The OCXO is a calibrated oven controlled crystal oscillator with wide range power supply and distribution amplifier. It is very stable and avoids the complication of GPS disciplining. It is available as a bare module for integration into other gear or in a diecast box for a station 10MHz reference. Its accuracy is excellent and will hold for over 12 months before a recalibrate may be necessary.
Click Here for further Information on our OXCO.
If you wish to go down the GPS disciplined path, the GPSD adds a GPS receiver and microprocessor to the OCXO. Like he OCXO the warmup is fast (stable within a few minutes. GPS corrections are only applied after the GPS is locked and valid. The previous calibration value is recovered from EEPROM at start-up and only fine adjustments are applied is a rolling error (calculated over many minutes) is detected. The software has been developed over years and is now well tested and proven. Front panel LEDs show the status of the GPS and the reference oscillator.
The GPS NMEA RMC sentences are available on a USB serial port 9600,8,N,1 for PC time synchronisation, location and beam pointing programs. RMC is the simplest sentence and used by many PC time sync and location programs. Having only one message type minimises latency and application parsing errors. Other NMEA sentence typed may be added to the configuration during manufacture.

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