Brisbane VHF Group Inc.



OUR YEAR 2025/2026


25/03/2025″ Venus Bounce”

First Venus bounce with the Dwingeloo telescope



25/03/2025 “Club Meeting ” Wednesday 26th, see you there. Also on Teams (Guest speaker with a subject on TeraHertz presented by Rod VK4ARP. Titled “Going Terra Hertz”.)


24/03/2025 “Going M A D in April”    The next Microwave Activity Day is scheduled for Sunday 6th April, just a few weeks away.

Who is planning to activate?
To get the “ball rolling” Col VK4UV and I VK4UH are tentatively planning to drive up to the Hummock LO near Bundaberg to activate on the day.  In particular we intend to try to follow on the recent successful contacts on 1296 and 2.4GHz, made between Roland VK4FB and Graeme VK2SRC/p team  on Vista LO during the John Moyle FD.  Col and I will probably activate the club call VK4IF/p and see if this achievement can be repeated on 10 and 5.7GHz at least.
Please post your intentions on the club FaceBook pages to let others know who will be active.  This is vital for both portable and home station activations.

16/03/2025 “Come to the Light Show” This month Meeting Guest speaker with a subject on TeraHertz presented by Rod VK4ARP. Titled “Going Terra Hertz” Looking forward to this one , see you there @ Chermside Library on the 26th of this month.



3/3/2025 ” Results from 2023″ Thanks to Roger Harrison and his team we have received the Contests results for 2023 as below. Roger has been wading through a backlog of results, great work.

BVHFG FD success in 2023 SPRING VHF/FD for club contest station VK4IF/p and members.May be an image of ticket stub and text that says 'B1 Multi-operator 24-hours Call Name Grid QSOs Total 11-Bands VK2SRC Summerland ARC VK4IF QF69FU 284 VK2QJ VK2FAAD 148, 148,615 QG53TC 234 VK3ER Brisbane VHF Group VK4CZ VK4UH VK4EA VK4SA Eastern& Mountain District R.C. VK3AHM VK3MHY VK3QI VK3WWW 126,007 QF22DM 395 101,411'


13/02/2025 ” M A D ON “  16th this month is slated as the a Microwave Activity Day, this day is for those with microwave gear that needs some testing and evaluation. Its not a contest, there are no points or prizes, just people trying out their old and new gear. These M A D days are normally scheduled out, away from contest days and such like events. There are times that 23 on 23 is on a weekend, some operators have adopted this date to make a weekend trip work on a need to try a new location, or hill/mountain etc. The possibilities are up to you and your needs. So see you all out there testing and swearing (not into the microphone of course). 

VK4OE relaxed at our Clubs recent showcase day.











2/02/2025 “Knife Edge on 10GHz” VK4CSD (Stefan) found this item on a USA Blog,between N4OFA/K4LY about a 10GHz FM contact made over 120 miles using “Knife Edge Diffraction.” See more Here: 

24/02/2025 ” 23 on 23 ”  January 23 on 23 was supported in VK4 by local only operators with contacts nth/sth of the Brisbane river, Peter VK4APV/p fortitude valley (10 story building roof top) seemed to have charge reporting contact on 23/13cm, also VK4 CZ, UV, on 23/13cm with AK, MJF having to be happy on 23cm.

Also on via the Spotter VK4HMD (Martin) in Toowoomba not having any luck, always February 23 on 23. Not forgetting our southern states also reporting lots of activity NSW and VIC.  Great nite had by all 73.


21/01/2025 “Odd Contact Conditions” Scott (VK4CZ) has again commented on the odd pathing conditions found in the Summer field day, as below. These oddities may have been mentioned/addressed in our YouTube library of guest speakers.

“What was also interesting to observe was:
1. On 9, 6, and 3cm the best path between VK2SRC/P at Vista Point, and VK4IF/P at Mount Mowbullan could vary 10° between contacts and the previous best peak. Clearly showing that it’s not a ‘direct’ path, and the WX was having influence.
2. And, on Sunday morning when the 9, 6 & 3cm condx were starting to deteriorate, 23cm cam back up after being quite depressed all weekend   The mechanics of which we’ll need to ponder.”


19/01/2025 ” VK4IF is Happening” Scott (VK4CZ) @ their Mt Mowbullan site has reported, on social media, some of their field day acheivements, reporting on The team at VK4IF/P operational, and ready for Summer VHF-UHF Field Day. Completed some great test Qs with VK2SRC on 3.4GHz thru 10GHz over the 370km path. It has been a very interesting event so far with some stations rained out, and failing gear. VK2SRC/P Vista Point QF69FU setup all bands 6m through to 3cm Saturday and Sunday 24hr Summer Field Day and has reported contacts as mentioned  above. Some other stations on air were VK4 WIE, GHZ, KSY, AK ,MI, MJF, AMG and many others.

VK4IF Team Headquarters

VK2SRC Point Vista NSW



13/1/2025 “Rain Scatter” John(VK4MJF) and Kevin (VK4UH) have reported a few decodes on 5.7GHz JT4 and SSB, due to rain scatter, this mode is only found on microwave bands around 3-10GHz. Explained here:


31/12/2024 “Last 2024 post” As a follow up on the post of 20/12/2024  as follows from our Clubs showcase day.. 5.7/3.4 GHz amplifier projects for the IC905. John ( VK4MJF ) has posted a further project for the IC905. This time a 2.4 GHz 10 watt amplifier from Ebay into an old project, built around a Mini circuits  ZX60-272LN-S+  for a 2.4 GHz LNA, built after a BVHF Group Club shoot out day (M A D these days) 5-10 years ago, which later went for the IC705 and transverter project. Currently this project is cased in a 120 x 90 mm die cast box seems to fit, know awaiting a new 12/24 volt supply with 10 amps, then we can test the concept. Latest update 170 x 120mm die cast box was needed to house the project, the 12\24 volt supply failed /returned awaiting a replacement. Further testing has been done will report later.







24/12/2024 ” Interesting find @ Showcase Day ”  VK4OE (Doug) was displaying some interesting projects and items. One was a very small Ebay purchase a small odd shaped parabolic antenna. We ask Doug for an explanation and has compiled here about his findings. UWB Antenna Story (1)


20/12/2024 “New IC905 Project” As a follow up from Our Clubs Showcase day, John (VK4MJF) has posted a further project for his IC905. This time a 2.4GHz 10 watt amplifier from Ebay into an old project, built around a Mini circuits  ZX60-272LN-S+  for a 2.4GHz LNA, built after a Club shoot out day 5-10 years ago, which later went for the IC705 and transverter project. Currently this project is cased in a 120 x 90mm diecast box seems to fit, know awaiting a new 12/24 volt supply with 10 amps, then we can test the concept.











14/12/2024 “2/6 Meter Beacons on air” Peter VK4EA, “VK4RTT is back on air for a long term soak test of the new exciter. QRP 144.440 MHz and 50.285MHz, modes – CW, OOW and PI4. Antennas are horizontal pointing South from QG62mo (Northgate, 4013 – 15m ASL)”


10/12/2024 ” UHF/VHFSummerfield Day” At our Open show-case Day I spoke to Graeme (VK2SRC) about his exhibit and the effort his team puts in to support these WIA events and our hobby in general. Port Vista will be activated on January with his team with a new band acquired from the BVHF Group Show-case day. Here is a small sample of the Port Vista set up.


8/12/2024 ” What a Great Day” Our Clubs OPEN SHOW-CASE DAY; was a screaming success for thoughts how made it. Lots of Micro wave gear filled the Redcliffe Radio & District Club rooms to overflowing with many exhibits set up in the grounds (nice day). IC-905 ATV demonstration, lots of very high bands 47GHz, 122GHz. We all chipped in with a rundown of their own projects(all videoed for viewing on Our Facebook page.) Thanks should be extented to the Redcliffe members for the use and manning of their site. Also Greame bought VK2SRC station worth a look if you come across them, in your field day events. Also check here:for an update.


4/12/2024 “Open Show Case Day “:Redcliffe & District Radio Club on the 8th Dec 2024 Starts 10am. Lots of projects on display, people to meet, Barby and lite refreshments available. See you there.


23/11/2024 “Rained out “ This years Spring UHF/VHF F/day had very little support in the northern NSW and Queensland after a very wet led up to the event. One noted-able contact that stands out between VK2SRC and VK4AFL was a 9cm contact videoed by the VK2SRC crew for around 1800 points. See Here:

16/10/2024 “Guest Speaker” Roger Harrison VK2ZRH will present a Presentation on”Factors Influencing F-layer Propagation at 50 MHz” ? Don’t miss this one. 

 Again BVHFG October Meeting 23rd. Put the date in the diary.
As part of the meeting for the October date

29/09/2024 “M A D Washout” It may have been a bad week-end to host a M A D, with a bad weather prediction forecast, with most stations had given the day a miss. Although some diehards were amid the showers etc. VK4 APV,UH, ARP,GU,UV,OE, KLC,AK, MJF,ALF, and FLR  were some that gave it a try. Distances and bands used 40klm to 530 kms, 23cm, 9cm, 3cm(10ghz). Although most were Home stations 2-4 hills were activated.  The next event will be the Spring UHF/VHF Contest on 23rd December. 

10/09/2024 “M A D SEPTEMBER” 29th of this month is a M A D weekend Please advise your intentions. Here or the Club Facebook/io group.  


 7/09/2024 “IC905 ATV”. Click Here: for a utube topic on ATV reception over about 8Klms, worth a look if you into this mode/Radio. 

27/08/2024″ Link to Light Show” Our Club Meeting this month on the 28th a linked presentation on this the link too “Optical Communication and recent Developments” by VK7MO(Rex) : Remote BVHFG members on the night can also log directly into the live REAST YouTube Stream and watch from home. See here:


18/08/2024 ” Amplifiers for IC905″ VK4MJF 3rd week on his upgrade for amplifiers for the IC905. see more heading Club Projects.








14/08/2024 “Item for Sale” See our Club shop for details, remember all items are donated  and are all offered to help our club finances. Also contact Kevin VK4UH, or see the items @ the Redcliffe radio club boot sale.  


7/08/2024 “Talking  on Light” This months Meeting has a special guest being VK7MO(Rex ) on a very interesting topic.

“Optical Communication and recent Developments”. See you there on 28th August.

Date 2/08/2024″Tassy”  Tasmania is hosting a Amateur radio day in November 2024″Tassis-E- Con.   See Here: 

Date 27/07/2024″Redcliffe Radio Club Car Boot Sale”  See you there on the 20th August 2024, See Here.


Date 27/06/2024 “AGM “Last night was our Clubs AGM  with Doug (VK4OE) and Peter(VK4EA) pro-siding over this year proceedings, with all positions being filled. As a result our Club contacts page is up to date. Please browse these details if you need assistance on related matters.


Date 20/06/2024 ” AGMeeting Reminder” On the 26th this month. Theme for the meeting will be AGM (annual General Meeting) this month maybe you would like to help us with some fresh ideas, ALL position are vacated so we will be voting on all candidates. Also if  you have an interesting project or ideal bring them along please.


Date 19/06/2024 “Winter Field Day “ See you at this years “VHF/UHF Winter Field Day on 22nd and 23rd June 2024, either from home or your favourite hill”. It will be cool.


Date23/05/2024 “Have a Read” Roger Harrison has advised about the latest AR Magazine featuring “Lighting Scatter” See more Here:


Date 6/05/2024 “Were off To Bundy” Some of us travelled to Bundaberg Qld, for the WIA Convention. We went to promote our Club and wares. It can be reported we did all three and more. Several enquires about our Club, also we chatted with the Icom representatives about the IC9700 and the new kid on the hills IC905. What a weekend all about radio and meeting all thought faceless contacts. 









28/04/ 2024. “M A D went ATV”  Sunday we held our M A D(Microwave Activity Day) with many of the hills activated between Melaney,Toowoomba and Deep South in VK2 (VK2SRC). Some operators equipped with the new IC905 were testing these useful rigs with VK2APV (Peter) and VK4MJF (John)making a contact on one of the modes available on the IC905 being ATV. Rain was a forecast, well go figure they got it right, and limiting some contacts. 


25/04/2024 “Star Nite” Roy (VK4ZQ) gave us talk on satellite operation last evening, highlighting the history, insights and the gear required. Very nice presentation and our thanks to Roy for the effort, all or guest speakers are available on our Utube channel, caught up with Roy and many other. 


6/04/2024 ” RedFeast Talk”  VK4CZ has reported on VK2ZRH/4(Rodger) Giving a very interesting talk on Micrwave/ Microwave Activites in the conference room @ REDFEAST 2024. Also a demonstration was conducted on the IC905 showing its Microwave ease of working, including the ATV(amateur TV) usage, with many of us rather chuffed, on its ability.








20/03/2024 ” Meeting Reminder” 27th this month. Theme for the meeting will be Show and Tell  If you have an interesting project or ideal bring them along please.


6/03/2024 “Buyers Remorse “ A post found a user Group, “It is unfortunate that so many design flaws exist in the 9700. I had a girlfriend once that was pretty but high maintenance. The 9700 brings back those memories. So, after dealing with instabilities, design that requires more cooling, and being unable to TX with my handheld while installing antennas without requiring repairs, I bid my 9700 a fond but final farewell at the last hamfest. I will miss her once in a while, but not the patchwork of requirements for operation. And the 9700 too.To answer the obvious question: A Q5 5BVUX and my TS2KX for IF. Leo bogners  I may replace the Kenwood with a 7300 or K4 if I miss her too much

6/03/2024 “Stability Question” > While Leo Bodnar claim their GPSDO is low jitter, my measurements show mine has relatively poor short term stability compared to my home made
GPSDO. This short term stability equates to approximately +/-0.5 Hz at  23 cm (4 parts in 10^10). There is a plot of the 10 MHz output at:

That makes sense of course since the short term stability of a GPSDO is
achieved with the OCXO, which the Bodnar unit doesn’t have.

!/03/2024 “24GHz Tri Out “ We would like to invite any interested parties to join us on the air for a radio test today 1st March 2024 Friday TX time approx 1600.

VK4FB(Rowland) and VK4CSD(Stephan) will primary attempt  a QSO on 24Ghz from Kamerun Lookout to Maleny McCarthy lookout.
Despite the expected high humidity we do hope to receive a weak signal.
Our intended talkback will be on 5760.1Mhz FM.
If there are any request/interest for any other frequencies we might be able to add some extra bands.
Obviously we would need to know prior departure.

28/02/2024 “10GHz Record Falls” Brisbane VHF Group was awarded VK4 State 10GHz Digital Distance Record. 

Congratulations to the Brisbane VHF Group members with Kevin VK4UH and Col VK4UV at the “other end” of the contact.









26/02/2024″Great Talk On Wednesday” Don’t miss this one. See you there.

Brisbane VHF Group February  Meeting Wednesday 28th Feb from 19:00
At Chermside Library and via Teams
Presentation by Roger Roger Harrison VK2ZRM
“Trans Equatorial Propagation on VHF”
Date 25/02/2024 “Great M.A.D. Great to here from all that came up. A little bit of bad weather for some, lots of new faces and help came from all. Microwave is alive and well with early morning contacts on 1296MHz and 3.4GHz with the M.A.D see contacts 70cm- 24GHz. Keep it up guys. 

Date 16/02/2024 “Ballarat ARG” Attach is a around up of the VK3 Ballarat ARG Hamvention. They all look very interested in the offerings. Also a look at the IC905 24GHz transverter with dish, good viewing. See Here.

Next event WARC Hanfest Sunday 25th Feb Wydhamn Vic.

Date 1.02.2024 “Hamfeast’s” Here is a list of the Australia Hamfeast.










Date 25/01/2024 “Class Licensing” Our web site was advised today, that Repeater/Beacon Licensing will not be changing with the new Class system which comes into force on the 19/02/2024. This is good for all Our Clubs infrastructure, which will stay in place after the February 2024 as normal. Although the ACMA team was still looking at the system.


4/01/2024″CASH FOR CANS” Please don’t forget our Clubs drive. Cash in those Xmas and New Year cans and bottles, Thanks for the help.



14/12/2023 “Beacon Report Update” VK4RBB – BACK ON AIR

Hi all
Our main 432MHz-47GHz beacon VK4RBB at Edens Landing is back on air
It has been MIA for several days following the failure of the 3398.440 output on 9cms band
Thanks primarily to the efforts of Doug VK4OE the faulty PLL was replaced and the system reinstalled today
Reception reports are welcomed for the outputs on all bands
(NB. The beacon antennas are not at full height at this time)
Please post reports and comments here
Seasons Greetings to all
(Kevin VK4UH)


 12/12/2023″Licence Changes” ACMA and the WIA have new ideas on our band plan and the ACMA goes ahead with Class licensing See Here: 

 12/12/2023″POMS GO MAD” Ofcom in England have made big changes to there band plans and operating conditions See Here:



6/12/2023 “Beacon Report”  Doug (VK4OE) reports VK4RBB beacons are off line for further updates. Doug had found it nessicary to utilise this period to fix the issue with the ZLpLL , hopefully the fix will be done before the holiday season.

11/11/2023 “Beacon Report” VK4CZ in QG62LP08 has reported Our Club beacons as:

Firstly, thanks for the effort – it’s truly appreciated.

I’ve just completed a check [first chance I’ve had] and the beacons 70cm through 9cm all heard from home station, but down on what I typically see.

  • 432.440 S7, typically S9++
  • 1296.440 S5, typically S9
  • 2403.440 S3, typically S7
  • 3398.440 S1, typically S2-3

Will recheck tomorrow morning when next in shack, to see if just local condx.

Happy hunting to all out there.


7/11/2023″ Our Beacon are updated “ VK4RBB is in service again after an update, thanks to all that assisted.

4/11/2023 “VK4EA Reports on Our Beacon”. VK4RTT 50.285 & 144.440 MHz on air running barefoot beaming South from QG62mo. Alternates between FSK and PI4 modes. Reports here and/or vkspotter appreciated.

2/11/2023″ Our Beacons are OFF” Please bare with us as we perform an update with our beacons @ EDANS LANDING. We will post a follow up as soon as the update has been completed. We apologise for any inconvenience.


19/10/2023 ” Chermside Library” Wednesday 25th 7.00PM. Speaker this month, Tech Talk, presented by Trevor VK4AFL with An introduction to EME (Moonbounce)”

This info from Trevor

“Hello Group – Below is a rare chance to make a 23 cm EME contact with  a little bit of power & a fixed elevation  antenna. This behemoth of a station will do all the work  CW or JT on our moonrise. Download VK3UM`s excellent EME Planner & see if you have co-visibility with Colorado. I worked HB9Q a few years ago with my terrestrial setup & this  station is considerably bigger than HB9Q.


14/09/2023″Teams Chat”  Our Clubs first teams night has been well supported and our next night is the 11th October @ 7:30pm.


12/09/2023?Teams Chat” Wednesday 13th 7:30 PM.

Following up from last meeting, where it was suggested to have a chit chat night.

Sorry for the late notice, but in time for this Wednesday night the 13th September from 7:30pm.

This is ONLY on the TEAMS app / website.

If you turn up the library, you will be the only one there, plus we don’t have the access to get inside or the room booked, otherwise you might be with a strange group.

The direction so members can talk to each other, share their projects, give advice and share their experiences for the 2 hours.

Use this link below.

not sure how to use teams, have a look at the Club page for more info  – Brisbane VHF Group Inc.




1/09/2023″Cans.Cans.Cans” We have just installed a Club Fund Raising with your local “CANS FOR CASH” outlet. Please think of us as you dispose of those cans and bottles, just another way to help your Club.  “use this code. C11112670”   WE THANK YOU ALL.

Also see here for more information



16/08/2023 “Icom goes 24GHz”  Icom are about to release a 24GHz system which maybe  integrated with the recently released IC905,  See Here:









23/7/2023 “IC905 tests OK” VK4MJF(John) has reported on the IC905 being a very easy radio to run microwave bands, testing on Sundays 23 on 23/ Microwave Activity Day (M A D). With its 2 watts on 13cm and 6cm contacts were made from sea level to about 900 metres 120Kms with Colin VK4UV giving 5/7 report. With a bit more practice on peaking the external gridpaks some further distant contact would be possible, keep tuned. John also reports the radio was operated by his local Club on the UHF/VHF Winter Field day @ 1000 metres out near Warwick Queensland with the same ease to setup and operate. One of the local hams has purchased the IC905 to 3cm, John has reported some ATV and further testing/ tuning will be assistance to both stations.




23/7/2023 “PILEUP 23cm Yes on SHF”  Today’s M.A.D./ 23 on 23 has been a great success with about a dozen or so operators  on the bands used, in VK4 and VK2. All bands from 23cm-3cm were worked with the yellow jersey being shared with a 3cm SSB contact with VK4CZ/p(QG64HA) /VK4UH/P(QG61NU) 249.2Kms  and the team of VK4AFL/VK4FLR for their 3.4GHz contact on Q65 528Kms. It seems some hill top location was the place to be, with most local contacts on 23cm, the VK Spotter looked like a rainbow with the amount of contact band  colours displayed . Here most of the todays winners VK4 KLC-CZ-HF-UH-CRO-CPS-MJF-SU-VU-UV-HF-RF-KWS-AFL-FLR-EK,AK for being there. It was nice to see some new faces also testing their equipment, there was an incomplete contact on 3.4GHz between VK4UH and VK4FLR good going, Frank (VK4FLR) reported some more work to be done. See you all on the next one.  



20/7/2023″MJF TV” VK4MJF reported the IC905 will work out of the box on ATV. So far the rig has been a success in the shack and Field day(Winter). Looking forward to the 23 on 23 this Sunday for a workout.








17/7/2023 “M A D” Its 23 on 23 this Sunday 23rd. There are hills looking for the new gear test,  here you there. Click here:




5/07/2023 “Club 2 Metre Beacon ONAIR 20mw Q65 QG62LM, have a look see. Thanks Col, nice work.










22/06/2023″Beacons are up” Great news VK4RBB Beacons are active for this weekends field day activities, being the winter one, rug up .

22/06/2023″ACMA Exams” Looks like the ACMA has a resolve for the our hobby. See here :


22/06/2023″IC905 is Here: For those that are interested Icom has stock of their new IC905, being distributed by your favourite Dealer.  Reports have been very favourable for those looking to have a path to Microwave bands, with an easy solution for use of transverters to other bands, easily adapted.


16/06/2023″Beacons OUT” Scott (VK4CZ) reports, VK4RBB currently MIA [Sat morning 16/6/2023 21:19z] – nil on 432.3440, 1296.440 or 3398.440 currently from my QTH.We will advise.


 12/06/2023 “AGM Coming” A-G-M is on this month, please remember your Club membership should be current, to vote for your favourite Club Executive member. Wednesday 28th June 7.00 pm Chermside Library. 


24/05/2023 “IC905 Price” See Here:      No date on arrival but the price is in.


22/05/2023″Bench Test IC905″ Look to buy an IC905(A$5000.00 maybe) or just interested in learning about testing your gear/Microwave as well see here;

19/05/2023″AGM moved to June” Jason has emailed all with the change in date, as follows.

“Hi gentlemen, due to unforeseen occurrence, the next will be a normal meeting and not the AGM as previously announced.

The AGM is now in June.

 Next meeting will be on Wednesday night on the 24th May at Chermside library at 7:30pm, doors open 7:00 ish.

Also your membership is now due.

Next month is the AGM and you need to be financial to vote and nominate.

Membership is again $40

Payments can be paid via Direct Deposit (preferred) or via PayPal on the club website.

Direct Deposit   (no fee)

Account Name :  Brisbane VHF Group Inc

Account BSB :     124 001     Account Number  :  22712414

Details   :      Please use  your  Callsign  

Bank transfers can take up 24 hours to transfer + longer on weekends

PayPal      (we get charged a fee for this service)

Brisbane VHF Group Inc.    Click on the Donate Button    please use your callsign also

If you could kindly reply to myself and Peter (Treasurer) of when payment is done, will be awesome.


29/04/2023″Show-and-tell” See Here :::: Sunday 7th May 2023.

20/04/2023″WIA Facts” Please read the WIA news as 3.4GHz and 1.2GHz are in the news, to be taken/or changed from the amateur band. See Here: Also some more information/delay on the Class Licence idea

19/04/2023 ” RBB back on Today” Doug VK4OE has advised Beacons 432MHz and up will be back on around 11.00am EST. With a mammoth effort by Doug and Stefan(VK4CDS) to perform the unplanned schedule maintence, Thanks guy’s. We thank you for donations to keep these Club beacons in operation, if you would like to offer a sponsorship Donation: see here: Our Club Beacons(RBB) confirmed @ 11:30.

15/04/2023 “23-23 MAD “ Sunday 23 on 23 will be an official M>A>D don’t forget to find a nice hill for this event.(23rd April 2023) Lots of our Club members have announced their intensions for the event. If you have your new IC905 here’s your chance to test it? stock and weather permitting.


21/03/2023. “IC905 is here” its official see here IC905 Is here and the PRICE IS.

Maybe its a recommended suggested retail price, Dealers price maybe($4200) will not brake the bank as much, Khune gear is looking low price at this stage. 

20/03/2023″Few out for the John Moyle FD” John Moyle Field day was a great chance to try all the mods and new gear on the week end. Although the weather was fine and clear, the heat was a telling factor which may have kept some station at home in the air-conditioning. Several Club stations braved the conditions out on location, VK4WIE, BAR and VK2SRC were some. With VK4UH, AFL,EA,UV,CZ,OE,DCM trying out 1296cm and up.



A few views of Mt Cootha







1/3/2023″ Results Confirmed” VK4AFL(Trevor) and VK4FLR (Frank) confirmed 3.4GHz QSO this morning 28/02/2023. After completing with Q65 , they followed on SSB. With excellent tropospheric conditions, SSB signals on 3.4 GHz were 5/9 plus. 

After months of watching early morning conditions on the Rockhampton to Brisbane path, both were overjoyed with the morning results. Frank headed off for a celibately breakfast. 

Their efforts were witnessed by VK4MJF, receiving both modes of Q65, +7 and SSB 5/5 +. John then celebrated with a SSB contact with Frank on 23 cm SSB.


70cm IF (3398.215MHz)


28/02/2023 “3.4GHz prize missed” In the small hours of the morning, some Hams like to try their luck at sometimes impossible contacts.

VK4AFL(Trevor) and VK4FLR(Frank) each morning brave the sandman and make what has been very successful over the last 12 months of so, contacts on 2m/23cm with Q65 digital mode, most morning around 6:30am(7:30am that other time). They reported, “as todays contacts on each band had something special, they tried their first contact on 3.4GHz”. VK4UH assisted by VK4UV and VK4AFL(Brisbane) had successfully achieved from VK4FLR ‘s deck in Emu Park, near Rockhampton about 524 Km on the 28/05/2022, claiming the distance record for that 3.4GHz band.both report:

Transcript Report  notes on first RX decodes results re propagation tests on 3,398.215 MHz   at 524km VK4AFL to VK4FLR 

Logging comments/discussions by  VK4AFL  & VK4FLR   28/2/2023 

Subject: 2m/23cm/9cm.


Trevor “Hello Frank “– Below is a prize decode & all we need now is to finish the job!  With power, pointing & other variables not previously confirmed today was very encouraging as it proved a few things not the least being it’s a goer.  As you said 23 cm conditions & when they peaked coincided with 9 cm decodes & whilst 23 cm was better than it’s been they were nowhere near what we have had e.g.  S9+.  We will never know for sure how far short we were but my guess is not all that much! 73, Trevor.


Frank”Yes Trevor”  –  The key to these  results is without doubt your 1.8 m dish which as sun noise results confirmed a few months ago is working extremely well. I cannot detect any sun noise with my  [Kevins] 1.1 m dish. I did later wonder given the time spread of the decodes if 30 second sequences would be any advantage?  Given that all previous Q65 contacts were 15  seconds perhaps stick with that?  Tnx for being there & hopefully we won`t have to wait too much longer but we might which is not a problem.

Further updated details will be posted here soon :



9/02/2023″ Club Beacons up for test” Doug VK4OE has posted.” As a kind of “soak test”, I have set up the ZLPLL and beacon controller parts of our VK4RTT beacon, transmitting at quite low power levels into external antennas.  There’s 4 mW output on 50.285 MHz, and about 12 mW on 144.440 MHz, both with vertically polarised antennas.  Location is Annerley, QG62ML.

I propose to leave this running for a week or more to see if anything untoward develops.

Reports of signal reception and clarity, noise pedestal (if you can hear that…) and anything else you can discern will be welcomed by replies to this group, or direct to Kevin (VK4UH)or myself”.

26/01/2023 “Aussie Record” It might be Australia Day,and some of us are out to lite the barrby etc, but our hobby moves on. This morning VK(AX)4UV and MJF made a landmark digital contact on 2.4GHz which we believe has been listed in the WIA records, over this distance of 63.6Klm’s. Great going boy’s look forward for the next ones. Certificate is in the mail.





17/02/2023″VHF/UHF Field day” Although we are all awaiting the last 2 Field day results with some lame excuse for why the results are not done. We found lots of competitors out some where for this years Summer field day. Many were seen (Heard) up and down the east coast great to see so many enjoying the event. Many operators were using single letter contest call signs such as (VK4I/S/Q) and a call that hasn’t t been around for some time VK4WID Toowoomba, great to see them along for the ride.

11/02/2023″SHF God” We would advise Trevor VK4AFL fell and broke his femur and hip. There was an operation and he has a blood clot in his lung. Not as reported earlier. This publication wishes to apologise for the incorrect reporting and hope for Trevors recovers quickly and returns to our Hobby very soon.





28/11/2022 “IF Melted Bunya Mt’s” Our Club call sign VK4IF was heard over the country side on the weekend from their retreat on Mt Mowbullan (Bunya Mt.) Thanks to VK4 EA (Peter)UH(Kevin) CZ(Scott) UV(Colin) nice work. See Here:

“Mt Mowbullan is at a “good distance” from Brisbane so contacts, especially on the higher bands, are challenging and a very worthwhile tests for everyone’s VHF and microwave equipment”.” UH wrote. “( CBRS has reported VK4IF with 5/9+20 as a report on most microwave banks up to 10GHz from QG62JW Mt Mee)”

26/11/2022″Kevin (VK4UH reports”)Although there is no formal club meeting in December we will again be arranging an informal lunchtime BBQ gathering on Sunday 11th December – at a suitable venue to be announced – for members and partners to meet up before the holiday.

25/11/2022 “Spring Field day” Some of us are out and about north of Brisbane 8and 24Hr see you all on the day.

24/11/2022 “Shocking Information” VK4UH(Kevin) has given a talk on shack accidents and the treatment if this mishap is confronted. See here: Dr Kevin(VK4UH) travelled with many others down to Hobart for there Reast Hamfeast in the University of Tasmania grounds , were he was asked to present a very important subject which seems to be glossed over in many and all shacks.

22/11/2022 “Big Nite Wednesday” First Our Club November Meeting on the 23rd @ Chermside library last for the year, plus 23 on 23. So take your pick or do both. Zoom in to the our club meeting and 23 on 23 as well. Like the heading states (Big Nite Wednesday.)

11/11/2022″IC905 Debut” Tassie Ham Feast had Icom Stand showing off all its latest gear plus Haydens(VK7HH) report on the event. Here.


2/11/2022″ More Power to the people” Roger Harrison had mentioned in our October Club Meeting about the WIA getting involved with the ACMA on new power and band plan changes, ACMA proposals on Class Licensing 

1/11/2022 “All Beacons Out” Doug VK4OE reports.

Greetings to all! I have just returned home having been at the ‘RBB beacon site this morning to begin trouble shooting, as well as enjoying catching up with Rob!

I have had to shut down the whole ‘shooting match’ because the fault with the 3398 MHz beacon has been traced to the main PLL and signal generation module which is common to all of this beacon’s outputs.  Previous faults with the 3398 MHz beacon have been in the power amplification module separate to the ‘main’ module. However, this time Rob and I were able, by using Rob’s microwave signal generator, to verify that the 3398 MHz power amplifier is still in good working order. I will find out what has happened in the 3398 MHz generation department and attempt to fix it as soon as possible.

Whilst on-site today, in relation to the apparently-failed 24 GHz output, I was able to verify that the signals leaving the main frequency generation module headed for the mast-head unit where the 24 GHz output is produced, were all present and at their ‘normal’ power levels.  The fact that the 10.3 GHz output (also amplified in the mast-head unit) is working narrows down the areas where the 24 GHz fault may have happened. I will further report on the overall ‘RBB situation when there is significant information to report.

Thanks for your understanding!

1/11/2022″Beacon Report” VK4UH(Kevin) has reported on the Club beacons (VK4RBB )@Edans Landing (near Beenleigh Qld.) .

Currently 432, 1.2, 2.4, 10 GHz all received on 30/11 at expected signal levels. Following some reports of 3398.440 MHz (9cms output) being not detected, also nothing detected.  5760.440 MHz (6cm) at this time not checked. We await the update results on the undetected pair.


25/10/2022″Parabolic’s explained”Dough VK4OE helps with disc design and the workings of the Parabolic dish. See here:

20/10/2022″Club Meeting” Wednesday night 26th is our next meeting @ Chermside Library also on Zoom see you there.


10/10/2022 “Hobart Hamfest” IC905 will be on display supplied by Icom Australia. 5th -6th November 2022 @ See Here: Also Hayden VK4HH has posted a video on the HamFest line up here.


28/09/2023 ” DUBUS 3/2022″ Dubus has Included this article reporting on the BVHFG 3.4GHz AE distance record being set earlier this year

Great that the group is being recongnised on the world microwave stage

23/09/2022″Club Meeting” Wednesday 28th September 2022, our Club Meeting for September is on Chermside Library and Zoom. See you there.


14/09/2022″M A D” On the Sunday 18th of September there will be a M A D weekend. Look forward on earring you there.

10/09/2022″Icom’s Fair Dinkum” Icom Australia have published this on there latest SHF Gear:

31/08/2022 “UFO’S on the Moon” It has been reported by NASA Artemis 1 mission, currently set to launch on August 29th(currently aborted to a later date), is going to carry many CubeSat secondary payloads to the Moon. This Space Ship Artemis 1 will carry a few Beacons to the moon, with one on 70cm. See Here, for more detail:


26/08/2022 “REAST” VK7 are happy to annoyance there REAST(Ham Radio Conference and Expo) for 2022. See Here for more.

20/08/2022″Its real” Icom has released information. This may take the hobby in Microwave to a new level, IC905. Roll on field days.

19/08/2022″ ICOM 10ghz Radio” Icom have released information on a SHF radio in the Dayton Ham Feast earlier this year. VK4HH Hadon has offered a utube on the latest reports on this SHF concept(144MHz to 10GHz). see here. Confirmation See here.



25/07/2022″Club Meeting” Wednesday 27th July is a meeting nite, Chermside Library and Zoom for thoses who are unable to attend with lock down rules etc.


16/06/2022 ” Hawaii on 10GHz Record” Trevor, VK4AFL reports, “Hello Group – After months of meticulous planning & a previously cancelled trip Rex VK7MO arrived in Hawaii earlier this week the mission being to communicate with California on 10 GHz via tropo ducting which would be a first. He is based at a B&B on the big island returning to VK August 1.

The 4000 km from KH6 – W6 has been bridged on all uwave bands up to 5.7 Ghz.  Rex will also do an equipment test only on 10 Ghz EME which hasn`t been achieved from KH6 either. “

A highly successful previous one-man expedition to KH6 by Wayne Overbeck N6NB a few years ago is an interesting read all the more spectacular being done from a wheel chair.

Click here for a little more background you may wish to read,Also a further update 19/06/22.



28/05/2022 “Rock/Brisbane Record” VK4UH/UV/AFL have smashed the National 3.4GHz Record, well done to all. After a long drive and set up at Emu Park Rockhampton Qld. Kevin and Colin with Trevor (VK4AFL)Brisbane based, have produced a new National distance record for 3.4GHz. Trevor reports for us, “I’am pleased to report completing with VK4UH/p @ 524 Km with help from a 40k Cairns bound aircraft.  In the end it was simple with -9 best at my end.  The boys had set up on Franks balcony(VK4FLR) with a 1 m dish/10 watts at the feed my end was a 1 m dish @ 51 ft/40 watts at the feed. They did a great job up there my part was easy”. (VK4AFL in QG62OM45 3398.150000 Q65 – :Spotted VK4UH/P in QG56JR84 @153° 524.2 Km
Prop: Aircraft scatterNew National Digital record for 9cms 15watts to 1m dish at both ends).



More to follow.

23/05/2022″ MEETING THIS WEEK” Don’t forget the Wednesday 25th AGM. Big nite.

10/05/2022″2/6M Beacons ” As an ongoing update to our Clubs beacons, the 2/6 metre beacons have been installed at their new location, as reported a few weeks ago. Both were under test and performing well. As a precaution they have been taken out of service owing to a few minor changes in configuration as observed will being under test. It is hoped that this will see them back in service very soon.

30/04/2022″BeamMeUpScotty” VK4CZ(Scott) has held a show and tell day at the Kingston Park demonstrating 3.4GHz and Microwave in general. He reported 20 odd from all walks in life in the district had turned up for the event with VK4 CSD, VU and ALF helping out on the receive end. More here:

24/04/2022″May M.A.D date Change” As the May M.A.D day was to be held on the 22nd May 2022, it has been rescheduled to May 29th 2022.

VK4UH has report his intention to have a 2 man team with himself and VK4UV will undertake a Microwave road-trip to Mt Archer near Rockhampton to coincide with the May 29 MAD.  

U-wave tests back to Brisbane and the South will be run over several days around the weekend of 27-29 May on bands from 1296 to 10GHz looking for Tropo or Aircraft Enhanced propagation.

we hope as many club members as possible will activate and support these tests



21/04/2022″23 on 23” Saturday 23rd April is not Aprilfools day but some of us try, 23 on 23 someone could be on try it out 7.30-8.00pm, 1296.100MHz(23cm).

18/04/2022″ Club 2metre Beacon” Peter (VK4EA) reports the Club 2 metre beacon is back service. Great stuff.


floor shot of beacon area


17/04/2022″More for the IC705″ So you are not able to use your IC705 on higher bands, Click Here:


8/04/2022″Beacon “ This is the Club 2/6M beacon VK4RTT new home, it has been working on 2metres, but know on 6metre. See story here.


Mt Coot-tha


22/03/2022 “OE on Antenna’s” At our March Club meeting Doug(VK4OE) gave a very interesting presentation on antenna building or repair. For those contemplating such projects a quick glance at this UTube presentation may find it helpful. See here.

15/03/2022″THE M A D is on”Our Club is holding the next M A D on the Sunday 20th March after the John Moyle Contest.

14/03/2022″Club 2m Beacon is up” Peter VK4EA and Kevin VK4UH returned the beacons to its permanent location on Mt Coot-Tha after its long holiday, with the 2m section is now operational on-air. Sadly we identified an issue with the 6m X-dipole where the SWR was found to be raised just enough to cross the Hi-VSWR threshold of the protection circuits and tripping that transmitter intermittently.  It is possible the recent rain events in Brisbane have waterlogged the antenna. We will be returning soon to completely revise the antenna system and return the 6m beacon to operational.




Beacon new home.


24/02/2022″ Club GPSDO – OCXO – 10MHz” Last nites meeting went well, with lots of M A D Stories from the weekend past, highlighted by VK4AMG’s (George)presentation on the Clubs GPSDO – OCXO – 10MHz reference project. Which will feature here in the next few weeks

20/02/2022″MAD was great” lots of us all over the Queensland area, many contacts were on offer and I’m sure there were the odd failure due to some reason or another, odd that, but thats what a MAD is! Several operators have mentioned their adventures in the positive and are eager to take part in future M A D ‘s.


17/02/2022″ITS ON” BVHFG Meeting Wednesday 23 Feb 2022 Kevin(VK4UH) reports.

Yes the meeting IS ON at the Chermside Library and via ZOOM next week 

(After the recent changes in Q-Gov policy from Feb 7 we are now able to reopen.  Its unclear if the library is one of the venues where we still have to check in or not – but this is no big deal)

The meeting will include a presentation by George VK4AMG on the Club reference project that we have been working on.  

George will be showing prototypes of the various proposed modules which will be produced for sale.  He is donating all profit from sales to the group.

As well as employing ZOOM for members who cannot attend in person we are going to record the presentation for “wider distribution” outside our own membership, to promote the project.


14/02/2022 “WE’RE GOING MAD” Sunday 20th February 2022 is the next slotted M.A.D (Microwave Activity Day.) There has been a lot of interest in the day, with most operators offering there preferred sites(Nth Qld to Nth NSW, being some.) Suggested Bands 1296cm to 47GHz and UP?. Starting 10am till 3.00pm, using a contact Frq .100 each band for all contacting, to QSY to .150/ .200 for further communication. Also a network repeater system has been suggested for further contact verification etc, LISTED HERE: and please remember lots of us have to set up in selected locations so be patent have a coffee, 10am maybe a little early for some.

For the last few MADs we’ve enjoyed the benefits of the SE Qld Wide Area Network for liaison, and the WAN has just been made even better!




8/02/2022 “Club Shop” As 2022 has a feeling of change we have decided to include a shop Menu for some interesting Club retailing ideas. Please feel free to use the shop as all monies generated go directly to the Our Club.

12/01/2022″MEETINGS OFF” VK4UH(Kevin) has posted this important Notice, please read.

As previously posted the first group meeting for he New Year was scheduled for Wednesday Jan 26 at Chermside Library (Thats next week as this is being posted).  The Library room bookings are made for the whole year and well in advance for our meetings.

The Jan meeting date of course turned out to be on Australia Day and so the decision was made to hold over the planned presentation until the Feb meeting as we expected turnout to be low because of the clash

A lot has happened in the last week of course.  With over 20,000 new Covid cases in Queensland yesterday alone the predicted peak infection rate is proving to be a reality.  

Understandably many people are avoiding any unnecessary group contacts at present and other radio clubs have already closed their doors for face to face meetings at this time.

For January we have decided to CANCEL the Library meeting when numbers would have been low anyway 

We have the option to run the planned January meeting on ZOOM only or can postpone altogether till February


When you read this could you post a reply here to indicate if you would join in a ZOOM meeting next week.  
If there are no positive replies then we will cancel until February.


6/01/2022″Meeting changes” Kevin (VK4UH) has announced a few important changes for the January 2022 Club Meeting. We had planned a presentation by George VK4AMG on that evening to provide the technical background and an update of progress on the clubs 10MHz GPSDO / OCXO /distribution module project. As January is a very important social event, Georges presentation will now moved to the February Meeting. With a lesser formal meeting in January either at the Chermside Library or on ZOOM.

1/01/2022″ A New Year” Covid seems to be the driving force for the world today, keeping lots of our Club activities/field days to be put on hold.

First out of the blocks for 2022 is in January, John Hull Memorial VHF/UHF Contest, starting on 1st January.

Quickly followed with the Summer VHF/UHF field day on the 15/16th January 2022








19/12/2021″Maybe the Last for 2021″ 23 on 23 Last for 2021 see you there: More here.


4/12/2021″Terahertz spectrum” Whats this you say? read here: or ACMA read here also see Links this site.

3/12/2021 “3.4GHz gear” It seems the 9cm band is coming alive more and more. Operators are taking up the 9cm band for Field Day events with more signals being reported and a handful of home station be activated. SG Labs equipment has helped the cause with there very cost affective transverters. Hristiyan LZ5HP has assured us the 5.7GHz model will be available early 2022(so get in and pre-order.)


2/12/2021 “A Jolly Time” Kevin (VK4UH) has announced a Club Xmas Picnic. Hope to see you there.

Brisbane VHF Group
Christmas Picnic
Jolly’s Lookout
Sunday 12th Dec

30/11/2021″This is all it takes” Looking at the VHF-UHF Mirowave Face Book page, David gave us a glimpse on how easy it is to jump in on a FD, for a few hours and have some fun. See Here:

25/11/2021″Weather fo Field day” VHF/UHF Field day this weekend 27-28th See here:

18/11/2021 “Bayside Visit” Kevin VK4UH has been busy promoting our Club, with members support. Read more Here:


12/11/2021″Club Meeting Dates “ We take pleasure in confirming the 2022 year has been booked for another great and fun filled year of activities and Club projects. You’ll find these dates listed elsewhere on this site. As always keep an eye out here / or on one of the Club’s social media groups and of course your email box to keep our Club fresh and interesting for all.

26/10/2021″Missives from the Boss”“VK4UH typed.”

24/10/2021″Test and Tune Day” See here:

23/10/2021″Meeting Coming Up very soon”

 Chermside Library on the Wednesday the 27th September from 7:30pm.

Meeting room open from 7:00pm.

20/10/2021″Shoot Out” Sunday 24th a 122GHz Shoot out, test and tune up day and barbecue @Redcliffe Radio Club. See you there.


15/09/2021 “Weather like MAD” VK4UH(Kevin the Boss ) has offered this post on Facebook on the weekends weather. for the Club MAD


14/09/2021″MAD Sites” As of today (12 Stations) have listed with a site for the MAD on the 19th September starts 10-10:30 is “list”

3/09/2021″Records Falling” Here we are in Q3 of the year 2021 and WIA have seeped the UHF/VHF records flowing. Nice to see VK5 have fronted up to the challenge. Maybe your interested.


28/08/2021 “Reflector with high bands” By Gary(VK4GU) See more here:

27/08/2021 “9cm Band adjustment again” ACMA have just asked for submissions. Read Here:


26/08/2021 ” CLUB GIVEAWAY” For thought’s who attended the August Club Meeting, were lucky enough to receive a 2.4GHz slotted antenna, Gary(VK4GU) reported on this free gift.

And we quote: “Soon as I got home from the meeting tonight I swept one of the 360 deg. slot antennas,…… not sure if I beat Doug though. 

 Return loss at 2400.0 Mhz was about 11.5db, best up the band further for WiFi of course.

Not defeated I thought there must be a way of improving the figure.  Found the sweet spot in the bottom section just above the probe and is now better than 20db match, using just a couple of magnets!!  Looks promising”

26/08/2021″Crossed Dipoles ” Doug VK4OE has submitted a very interesting article on crossed dipoles. Click Here:

20/08/2021″Contest 2×1 Callsign” Read Here:

18/08/2021 “VK4UH INVITES U” Please be aware the next Club Meeting is in a weeks time. VK4UH is inviting you to attended, see here for more info. VK4OE is booked for a take on the new 2metre slot antenna and more, see u there.


14/08/2021″VK4EA goes all out on 2.4/3.4 GHz) Peter has posted his latest project with 2.4 and 3.4 GHz bands in mind. For further Information :


7/08/2021 “Is your 1296MHz Going to waste” Most mornings in 2021–23cm and Q65 has been burning the northern skies with most activity between Brisbane and Emu Park Rockhampton Qld. VK4AFL with VK4FLR have been making contact on 2metres and 23cm Q65(with the SSB contact as conditions allow.) As the family is growing both ends, it maybe a worth while look. Nice screen shot of one contact.


See here for more information


6/08/2021 “IC705 Review” Icom IC705 has been available for a good six months and a test report maybe of some interest. 

As the IC705 has frequency coverage from 160MHz to 432 MHz many transmission modes, with the inclusion of some newer data modes, including DV(DStar). Being easier to interface with your PC. Most features were adopted from Icom’s first SDR, the IC9700 with the addition of HF added makes this radio a true winner for the purchaser.

As there is little out there to compete with its versatility and Architecture(IC9100 offering HF/ 1296cm maybe), the IC705 offers small but vital pluses. Being around the screen is quite amazing, with a large easy to read colourful touch screen and very few knobs, it just seems to operate with ease.

Low power on portable operation(5watts on board battery) or connect a 12volt supply giving(10) watts, also adjustable per band power (great for running transverters). It is believed the IC705 will replace the favoured FT817/818, for portable operation. 

As a field day radio/SOTA the IC705 just seems to make most challengers a breeze. Transverter operation is made easy, its on board calling function, easy read touch screen and the list just goes on. 

Some failing of many passed radios has been addressed, also in the new IC9700 was on drift on digital modes (such as whisper,JT65, FT8 etc.), this has been tested with great success with on board bands also as an IF radio on 1296cm and higher frequencies with great reports, and no reason to add further modification. 

So with a price point being validated to much higher than other radio’s used in this category , they just don’t compare.


5/08/2021″Great Listen” VK4 Microwave presentation(VK4UH,CZ) at the Gold Coast radio group. click here for a microwave treat.

4/08/2021 “Sexist Language from WIA” We would like to bring your attention to the WIA who has published on their web site, an apology to its valued readers(YOU)of the latest AR Magazine.Read Here:






4/08/2021 “$50 VSWR” How things change some time back an antenna analyser would cost around $400-600. Well that was then, today we have a small but very powerful NanoVNA version 2 to do that job and much more This a Vector Network Analyser will coverage 50KHz- 3GHz also a nice touch screen.Try here for a look in price etc.


29/07/2021 IC705 Review” Coming soon.

19/07/2021 “M A D Results” Well if you were on the result was great, all bands were tried and lots of hills were occupied and ablaze around Queensland. VK4 UH/p CZ/p OE/p FLR KWM MJF AFL CLG/p(and crew) ALH EA/p VU GU CSD just too name a few, Bands 1296cm – 24GHz maybe others not noted. Sure the testing of gear was the main reason for the day , with some failures along the way but sure as eggs the fun would be still beaming from all that attended. See you on the next one.

12/07/2021 “M A D ” Activity day.

Brisbane VHF Group

From the President’s keyboard………….

Good morning everyone

The next Microwave Activity Day (MAD) falls on   Sunday 18th July – which is this coming weekend as this is being written.

Several operators have already committed to going to portable sites, based on comments posted on the groups Facebook page.

Scott VK4CZ/p

Greens Hill Boonah         QG61IW               (new site for most of us I think)

1.2, 2.4, 3.4, 10GHz

Robert VK4CLG/p

Howell’s Knob                   QG63JF

1.2, 2.4, 3.4, 5.7, 10GHz

Kevin VK4UH/p                 

Mt Mowbullan (Bunya) QG53TC

2.4, 3.4, 5.7, 10GHz   (also 24GHz if any takers)

11:00 am local time for start of activity.  (Allowing for considerable distances being driven by some operators and to allow for best conditions that day)

Weather forecast is currently fairly good for the weekend, 

zero – very low chance of any rain, temps up to 22C, Relative Humidity below 40% in the early afternoon, medium wind only

Who else is likely to be active, either from home stations or from portable locations?  

Please post your intentions (and in particular the gridsquare of your station if you know it) on either the Facebook page where everyone will see it or e-mail me and I will add it to the list.

Warm that gear up and make it work for its living!

Remember also that this is the perfect opportunity to invite other operators to come with you and get some exposure to microwave operating.


The next formal meeting of the group is also approaching

Wednesday 28th July at Chermside Library and relayed on ZOOM

The intention that evening is to have :-

Round Table Discussion on “LIAISION” during MADs and Contests

Defn.   “communication or cooperation which facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations.”

In the hope we can all be aware of all the methods available to us for arranging and coordinating microwave contacts and getting the best “bang for our buck”

Please come along and put your point of view

Regards and 73

Kevin VK4UH

Pres. 12.10.21


28/06/2021 ” Lots of Activity over the Land” This years, Winter Field Day seem to hold a bit of interest over the Week end. Great to see calls all over the country, VK4-VK6 all had a great time. VK4UH (Kevin) reported on his trip to Ocean veiw posted this : see here

21/06/2021″ Meeting Nite” Chermside Library or see Jason for a Zoom hook up. Wednesday 23/06/2021. See you there.

20/06/2021″Message from the new Boss” Greetings to everyone

The next meeting of the BVHFG will be held:-

                                Wednesday 23rd June (from 19:00)

                                Chermside Library

                                375 Hamilton Rd, Chermside 4032

                                Entry via main door on Hamilton Rd (Call Pres on 0407 799664 for access as this door is closed out of hours)

As my first duty as the new group president I would like to express my thanks to the membership for allowing me the chance and honour to take up the reins of the group for the forthcoming year.

On everyone’s behalf I would also like to pass on an enormous vote of thanks to the outgoing president Doug Friend VK4OE who has been the voice and guide of BVFHG since its earliest days.  Very big shoes indeed to try to fill.

I intend to use both e-mail and the BVHFG FaceBook page to disseminate notices and information about club meetings and activities around the group.  I hope to be able to offer advanced notice of topics to be discussed and presented at forthcoming meetings

For the meeting this coming week I plan to give a short presentation on QRA-64

This is a new digital mode freely available in the latest versions of the free software platforms WSJTx and MSHV.   This new mode has great potential for many different modes of operation on both VHF and microwave frequencies for a variety of different modes of propagation including Tropospheric Ducting, Sporadic E, Ionoscatter and Aircraft Enhancement.  It is currently the “best of the bunch” and is in regular use by several local stations for long distance Aircraft Enhanced contacts on 23cms and has proved very effective on microwave bands right up to 24GHz for weak and obstructed paths.  It has also proved to be effective for ionoscatter (D-Layer) propagation on 6m when no other mode of propagation is present for example between Brisbane and Adelaide on 50MHz.

For the following meeting in July 28th I propose to organise a “Round Table” meeting to discuss “LIASION for Microwave and Portable Activities)

It is hoped that as many people as possible might attend this meeting to openly discuss all the possible options for Liaison and communication while out on hilltops etc

This is something that as a group we have been very bad at in the past.  Many possible contacts have been lost since we do not always know with any certainty who and where people are operating

Please come and put your ideas and suggestions forwards for everyone to discuss

You never know we might even be able to agree on a way forwards!

The winter VHF Field Day Contest falls next weekend as this is being typed (26/27 June 2021)

There are already plans in place by a number of members for portable and home based activities for that contest.

I suggest that everyone intending to operate makes their plans visible on the club Facebook page, indicating location, bands proposed and likely activity times for other members  to see

As always plenty of time will be available for “show and tell” of any underway projects and everyone is encourage to bring things along to be seen and discussed.

We look forwards to seeing as many members as possible on Wednsday as the start to a new and exciting year

Regards to all

2/06/2021 “Maybe off interest” Some nice projects here. see here

25/05/2021″VK4UH MAD” Kevin(VK4UH) posted on our facebook page, a MAD report from Mt Mowbulian. see here.

22/05/2021 “AMG” this week as flows.

The Brisbane VHF Group will be holding the AGM on the 26th May 2021.

This year with the current social distancing in the Library meeting room, we will be holding the AGM and meeting by using ZOOM.

Here is the Zoom meeting invite for Wednesday 26th May at 7:30pm.  Access to library room from 7pm ish.   gee hope this still works, (untested)

Also please find attached is the nomination form and AGM notice.

You can fill in the form and return or just reply to this email.

To nominate a member, both yourself and all nominees must be a financial member to vote and elected to the committee.

Not yet a member for 2021, here is how 

Please pay by direct deposit (preferred) or PayPal via the club web page.  Fees are set at $40.  

Direct deposit:  ( no fee to club)

BSB :  124001

A/C :  22712414

Name : Brisbane VHF Group

Comments :  your Callsign please

PayPal :     ( small fee paid by the club)

and Please use your callsign for comments.

Hope to see you next week.

6/05/2021 “EA makes the cut” Peter (Vk4EA) has been duly elected on the board of the WIA.

Our Club has the pleasure of an office bearer of the WIA, and we hope Peter has the opportunity to inject his ambitions and influence the new board into the 21st century. God on ya, Peter.

29/04/2021″Very Rocky April Meeting” Other than the normal Meeting chores a few misives that came to the forefront.

Peter VK4EA gave us his treasures report, also reporting on the Club 2-6 metre beacons (VK4RTT), are to be installed on the Mt Cootha site as soon as practical.

Kevin VK4UH gave us a very interesting presentation on meteor scatter with a link here to the presentation. He also reported on a new Club project being a 10 MHz GPS looked reference, which I’m sure we will here more about in the near future.


If you were unable to attend Rob VK4ZDX came along and gave us a beacon report on VK4RBB beacon s which are positioned at his location in Edans Landing. Also reporting on the Clubs 2 metre chat line on 144.300 SSB Thursday nites around 8pm.

Date 25/04/2021″Lest Not Forget” Wednesday 28th April 2021(being the last Wednesday of the month.

Our Club Meeting at Chermside Library, see you there.

Date 15/04/2021 “Two and Six Metre Beacon Update” Kevin VK4UH has some exciting news to pass on in reference to these Club beacons, as well as much more at the next Club Meeting 0n the 28th April 2021. See You there.

Date 14/04/2021 ” Roving Report” As a few questions were raised at the last meeting on the Club Beacons. Our Club roving reporter has posted this missive.

Greetings, gentlemen!

In recent times, following some improvement of my injured hand, I have started to drive my van again.  So, this morning I have gone up to Panorama Place (in the suburb of Mt Gravatt) to listen for VK4RBB on all of its output frequencies.  It is a full-on line-of-sight path between the two sites, and it is a stupendously beautiful day today!

My report is that all output frequencies were received at good strength, 432 MHz right up to 24048 MHz, and that the ‘CW note’ was pure on all transmissions.  Of course, this is a report from today only and it is not possible to project this report back onto previous occasions.

So if anyone monitoring any of the ‘RBB outputs notices a rough tone or a noticeable reduction in signal strength where you are, please get back to me by e-mail or ‘phone (0428 191066).

Cheers and thanks in anticipation,

–Doug, ‘4OE.

Date 11/04/2021″RED FEAST” Big Saturday RedFeast, lots of our Club members had visited and were selling items on the tables provided. Covid 19 had what seemed to an interesting spin on the normal Ham Feast with all wearing mask, whilst obeying social distancing. Great time was had by all just the same, as there has been cancellations in the past, on the venue and many others.



Date 25/03/2021″Club Meeting” Last nites Club Meeting was attended at the Chermside Library and also on zoom, all were treated to an enlightening time, with Doug(VK4OE) offering a power point presentation on 49GHz transverters from Kunhe and toughing on mixers. Meeting finished around 10.00pm.

Date 11/03/2021 “M A D” List as follows.

M A D Events as listed above. 2021

Are you available for the next one: see below.

March 23 / John Moyle

May 23 / with 23 on 23

July 18 

September 19

November 28

Some other events have been programmed a test and tune day, GHz shoot out. All will be advised as soo as arranged.

Date 19/02/2021″10 GHz VK7-ZL3″  This 1st 10GHz contact between VK7 and ZL. This novel contact was between VK7MO(Rex) to ZL3RC(Roger). They used the new mode of WJST X currently on test mode of Q65-60D. Well done guys (Rex and Roger).:::Click here

Date 28/01/2021″ M A D Dates set for 2021″ After waiting out the covert pandemic ,the Club’s first 2021 was held at the Chermside Library with many topics on the table to be discussed. Many will be finalised and will be reported at a later date. One of the the main topics was to further M A D events, as this subjected was breeched some months back by Scott (VK4CZ) to coincide with 23 on 23 monthly event, he compiled a 2021 M A D event calendar which has been produce here.



Date 20/01/2021″First Live Meeting” VK4UH Kevin reports.

BVHFG Meeting Notice

Wednesday 27 January 2021 from 7:00 pm

Chermside Library and ZOOM

Good morning everyone

The first meeting of the group for 2021 is next week as this is posted and will be our first Face-to-Face meeting since Covid19 restrictions were implemented.  Its been a long break

We also intent to try ZOOM’ing the meeting for anyone unable to attend in person

Please bear in mind that the group is still subject to the usual Covid precautions and regulations for social distancing and hygiene etc.  Hopefully we will no longer be “required” to wear masks by that time but anyone who wishes to can of course do so.

Please, even now, do not attend if you are unwell in any way and do the “new norm things”.  No hand shaking and no share plates please.

There is lots to discuss and lots of news

If you have any issue to put on the agenda then please forward them to Jason (Hon Sec)

Feel free to bring items for the show and describe session so we can see what you have been doing during your lockdown.

Looking forwards to seeing you on the night


Date 9/01/2021 “Great Result” Our congratulations to the VK4IF Team for their result in the last VHF/UHF Spring field day.

Date 25/12/2020 “Scores are in” 2020 Spring field day have been posted Check here: Great job done by all our members who took part.


Date 20/12/2020 ” Xmas Message” Our Club would like to extend a Happy holidays and New Year, to all our Members and followers. It has been a very trying year for us all, as a Club we do our best for all our members. Also advise that our next Club Event, will be the Summer Field Day 16/17th January 2021.

Date29/11/2020 VK4IF Looks for the Win”

VK4IF/P was again out at (Mt Mowbullan (QG53tc26)) . VHF UHF Spring Field Day was manned by VK4CZ, VK4UH & VK4MIL. see more here:

Date 23/11/2020 “special announcement” Please read.

To all BVHFG members and followers

Just to confirm that the group will again be making a club entry as VK4IF/p in the Spring Field Day Contest this coming weekend 28-29 November

Operation will be from the Mt Mowbullan site in the Bunya Mountains (QG53TC)

The contest runs for 24 hours from 01:00 UTC (11am local VK4 time) on Saturday but the team will be on site from the previous evening setting up the station

The intention will be to run in the 24 Hour, portable, all band, multi-operator section.

All bands will be catered for from 6m up to 24GHz inclusive including 9cms (now on 3398.150) with high performance stations and antennas

We will be equipped for all transmission modes  SSB/CW and digital on all bands and will make use of whatever propagation is available including meteor scatter on Sunday morning on 2m and 6m.

Preferred digital mode on 6/2/70 will be FT8

Preferred digital mode on microwave bands will be QRA64 – but anything will be possible 

Liaison for contacts

The plan is to have a presence on VKSpotter and Contest Radar websites during the contest.  

We also hope to be monitoring the Brisbane VK4RBN repeater 147.000MHz as the actual Bunya Mts repeater is currently off-air

Both Col VK4MIL and I will be contactable via Mobile Phone TEXT at any time (4UH 0407 799664,  4MIL 0421 250447) to coordinate contacts

Your Group Needs YOU!

As always we will be at a significant disadvantage in VK4 due to our geography and our low amateur station density in VHF range of us when compared to contest stations in the southern call areas and states.

We make a special request for members to come up on-air, on whatever bands you have available, to work VK4IF/p during the contest. Home portable or whatever.  We just need a report, serial number and your gridsquare if you know it.

We can make contact repeatedly every two hours on every band and get full points each time 

Hope to see you in the Contest

Don’t forget we have a ZOOM BVHFG meeting this coming Wednesday evening (THIS WEEK) and can discuss this further


Date 15/11/2020 ” Spring Field Day” Plenty of activity has been noticed as we move closer to this Event. VK4UH, VK4MIL and VK4CZ the Club team of VK4IF have been posting lots of Gear upgrades to higher bands etc. Seems like if the weather Gods assist us, we could have quite a few out on the ridges and mountain tops around Queensland and near states.

Date 20/10/2020 “23 on 23” will be on Friday nite as per normal and all M A D activity will be at a later date, if it can be scheduled before the Spring Field Day this November 2020. Keep on eye on the Club Facebook page/or here for further information.

Date 18/10/2020 “23 on 23” Friday 23rd is a normally a 23cm 8.00pm Event. Some of us would like to do a M A D week end, so watch the Club Face book or here and maybe a email out too members for further information.

Date 19/09/2020 “ZOOM CLUB MEETING” This months Club Meeting (23/09/2020).

As part of the meeting it is hoped to have a round table discussion and Show and Tell around the VK3CV 122GHz transceiver modules.

If you are working on one of these then it would be good if you could participate and show the group where your progress has taken you so far

Date 9/09/2020 ″IC705 Review’’ Click Here.

Date 6/09/2020 “IF has a win” Vk4IF/p has been running well for the last few Field days Thanks to VK4 MIL UH CZ and others, on some hill, not near home. Great to see.


Look here for the full results


Date 23/08/2020″M A D Report” Sunday 23rd seemed a quiet day with gentle breeze , with no rain on the forecast, a great day to have a M A D of a time. Stations reporting VK4 ALH GU OE UH JAM EA/P CZ/P NA FB AFL, LHD/P MIL CSD KAY HD/P AND 2MAX. All reported contacts though out the day. Some are listed here, VK4OE logged a 47GHz contact with EA/P 73 Klms. VK4ALF logged a 1296MHz contact on 144MHz with VK2MAX 409 Klms, VK4CZ/P logged a 2.4GHz contact with LHD/P 155Klms, VK4EA/P logged a 5.8GHz contact with LHD/P 156 Klms VK4GU logged a contact on 3.4GHz with CZ/P 73Klms also VK4KAY reported a 3.4GHz with CZ/P 105KLms and VK4LHD/P reported a contact on 10GHz with CZ/P 155Klms. For sure there were many others listening or unable to participate with gear failure and testing, what ever the result a fine time was had by all. see you all on the next M A D.

Date22/08/2020″ Club Meeting” Wednesday 26th Chermside Library only 10 people can attend so a ZOOM hook up has been arranged for the Covid concuss people.

Date 21/08/2020 “M A D IS ON” Don’t miss the M A D event Sunday 23rd

Date 9/08/2020″ SDR’s lose to old favourites” Sherwood Engineering has rated the IC9700 below some of the loved IC706/IC756 past radios(remembering these measurements are given on the Dynamic range, noise floor, with an analog to digital converter) . Interested see here:

Date 1/08/2020 “AMC Call Sign Issue” Seems the new body for the amateur regulation are a little slow to the new rules on Call signs. Read here

Date 30/07/2020 “New Call Signs” AMCA has announced a new Licences Indentifaction Rule.

Date 23/07/2020 “Nice Bloke” It is with regret that we have to pass on the sad News that, Quentin Forman ZL1QF VK4AQF silent key. Passed away last night from a heart attack. Reported by ZL1VH. For our Club Quentin was involved with many of our test and tune days, field days from some hill or another and as a member at some of our past meetings. He was a very helpful, active and involved in our hobby, he will be missed and our condolences go to his family.


Date 22/07/2020″Club Meeting on Zoom” It is advised the July meeting will be conducted on Zoom this month(Please contact Jason for details).

Date 17/07/2020″Looking for Young Operators ” Interesting read.

Date 29/06/2020 “M A D EVENT iN JULY” Some keen Contesters are feeling the gap between the Winter and Summer Field days a little long time to wait. So a MAD in July has been muted (26th after the 23 on 23) seems great idea.

Date 24/05/2020 “M A D EVENT” All had a great day either at home or in the field. 1296MHz – 10GHz were heard, lots of gear failure and rare DX, great too see everyone out and about in these trying times. Our next Event will be the VHF/UHF Winter field day in June.

Date 19/05/2020″Events reminder” Club Meeting Wednesday 27th all have been notified of the venue (ON ZOOM). 24 th M A D event in conjunction with 23 on 23 except its the 24th, try out you old or new gear from a mountain near you,(we are allowed out).

Date 24/04/2020 “23 on 23” Covid 19 has had an affect on lots of things, but 23cm; has to be the oddest.

Approximately 12 Hams made it to the 8.00pm session, VK4CZ<AMG<AL<GU>LHD>NA>EA>DDG>MJF>ADM>MIL>KAY as too VK2MAX. 

Not a bad role up for 23cm event, most of the signals were extreme, 59+ for most. Maybe the meteorological event or just a nite for it; lots of fun was had by all.

23/04/2020 “Z00M Save the meeting” Our Club, like many others have reverted to the ZOOM system to conduct there monthly meetings, during this lockdown event. Great meeting very well attended and some really interesting topics, all from the comfort of home.

3/04/2020 “Icom hit by Corona Virus” Read below.

Delay in Delivery of ” Icom IC-705 “

Delay in Delivery of ” Icom IC-705 “

Icom IC-705 Thank you for using ICOM products. Many customers have made reservations for the HF-430MHz all-mode 10W transceiver “IC-705”,… Read more 

23/03/2020 “CLUB MEETING FOR MARCH- CANCELLED” 2020 Corona virus has taken its toll on lots of community gatherings, and our Club has succumb to the same restrictions. Watch our Club site and emails for any change in our Club calendar of events. All Radio airways are Coronavirus free, so using your equipment over this trying time is not limited in any way, except to your licensing condition. 

16/03/020 “Stay Home or Away” A recent post has been brought to the sites attention from the Club Medico. ” 

The next meeting of the BVHFG will be on 25th March at the Eden’s Landing location

There was an error on the club website but this has been corrected now.

In view of the current Covid19 Pandemic, sorry I know we are already overwhelmed with information on this subject, common sense and good hygiene dictates that if you are unwell yourself or have been in contact with others showing any suggestion of this infection at this time then PLEASE stay home and away from your colleagues – its what mates do!

OK Medical Hat off again now

Kevin VK4UH

This is a Club community announcement, Thanks for your response.

24/02/2020 “M A D Report” About 10 plus call signs were heard, North, South,West and a bit East, hills and home based. As we were all spread so far the weather caught some and not others. Some had shelter, it was great to see and hear the microwave bands rocking most of the day. Full, Standard and F calls were out trying their best to make the day. Lots of gear failure, but thats what its about 23 on 23 M A D, don’t miss the next one. 


Col made good with the portable shelter.

22/02/2020″A Visual Map” VK4CZ has posted a map of those suggested sites for the M A D. As per the list on the post dated 16/02/2020 below.

18/02/2020 “A M A D Entry” Stephen will be packing some higher bands.

VK4CSD will be active from Panorama place Mt Gravatt working Doug OE on 24, 47 and 76GHz. Due to high humidty 76Ghz will be bit of a challange. Never less, lets try it. Afterwards I can relocate if anyone wants to have a QSO I can relocate to  MtGravatt Lookout and work stations north, east, and west. on 2.4 3.4 5.7 24 47 76GHz. I might also have 10Ghz mixer level only. 

16/02/2020 “M A D is on the move” As we will be holding the Microwave Activity Day (MAD) 

the 23rd of this month in conjunction with 23 on 23, many operators are jockeying for the best hilltop location. How about you?.

Bands available: 2M/70/23cm/2.4/5.8/3.4/10/24/76/122 GHz, modes SSB, or as per liaison.

Times: 10:00am to Stumps was a starting point, some operators are going to travel longer distances, so some patients would help with there ability to be on air. Some are running 3-4 bands, others are running 8 plus, so it will be a big day.

A list so far VK4 UH/p() MIL/p(MtWoolvi) OE/p(Kamaru l/out) NE(Home) MJF(Home) CZ/p(GusBuetell) CDI/p(GormansGap) EA/p(Gantry D’Agular StateForest) KAY(Home) AFL(Home) ADC(Home)

Also a list will be published on VK Logger.

22/01/2020 “January Meeting a Blast” Many subjects were discussed Beacon repair, which has mystified thoughs charged with the repair.

Club call sign (VK4IF), has been active for the VHF/UHF Spring and Summer field days with outstanding results. 

‘Stephen(VK4CSD) gave an update on 24/76/122/245 GHz and higher bands, with a simple easy method of building these bands for fun or competition. 

MAD( Microwave Activity Day) will have the support of many club members heading to a hill near them, in conjunction with the 23 on 23 in February 2020, with all microwave bands to be activated. 

12/01/2020 “February MAD Event is coming” VK4CZ has asked for a MAD be held as per this paste.”



 BREAKING NEWS Next Meeting Wednesday  23rd April 2025 Chermside Library Confirmed/Teams    Donate your CANS/Bottles. Please contact Jason for TEAMS entry Information .    is back on air QRP 144.440MHz and 50.285MHz, modes - CW, OOW and PI4. from QG62MO for testing.