Brisbane VHF Group Inc.

Adding Power to IC905


After acquiring a SG Labs Transverter for 3.4GHz to team up with the IC905 or IC705. While  using an IF(430MHz) to achieve 3398.000 MHz at rated power output around 3/4 watts, works quiet well in the field day. Since this transverter would be buddied up with the IC905, more amplifiers would help all bands available, so here we go. But first the elephant in the room, the isolation of the PTT!. Some one will come up with a solution.

3 SG Labs 3.4GHz transverter

1 25 watt Amplifier by Bert, from ([email protected])

2 24v Coax relay

5 OCXO supplied VK4AMG

4 dc/dc converter12/24v not seen (Black,red yellow wires)

between modules 2/3- 10dbm antenuater

Coax cabling of all modules and relay.

Adding a sequencer and pre-wiring.

Additional items:

Sequencer W6PQL(4 event)

Fuse holder

Songle Relay SRD12VDCSL-C to switch 24v supply to Amplifier.

2 Leds (red/green) TX/RX


   Full details Here:


Our first band to be addressed will be 5.7GHz amplifier was found on Ebay 20 watts/?dbm drive in, (thanks to VK4AFL (Trevor)). We have play with these low priced, built in China amplifiers before with little success. I was advised by VK4AMG(George) that we were overdriving the 1st stage of these little amplifiers, with a required drive of about 5mw to achieve 4/5 watts output. So with this knowledge; it was concluded a 20 dbm attenuation would do to excite the 1st stage of this amplifier. PTT will be supplied by the IC905, although we are working on a RF sensing operation (stay tuned.)


1 YPM5820S(20 watts /5mw drive)        

1 20dbm antenuator

1 W6PQL 28v solid stage switch (V3)

2 Coax relays

1 12/24volt DC/DC converter

1 die cast box(122 x 226x 50mm)

1 fuse holder, and assorted sma fitting to suit the project. Costs $400/500 au


As other bands 23/13cm(excluding 2m/70cm) are covered by SG Labs with their RF sensing amplifiers around 10/25 watts. A solution for these bands has been solved by others.


Full details Here:


  The Build Continues.


 BREAKING NEWS Next Meeting Wednesday  23rd April 2025 Chermside Library Confirmed/Teams    Donate your CANS/Bottles. Please contact Jason for TEAMS entry Information .    is back on air QRP 144.440MHz and 50.285MHz, modes - CW, OOW and PI4. from QG62MO for testing.