Date 29/06/2020 “Beacon RTT 2 Metres” Col reports VK4RTT he has a 2 Metre beacon located in QG62LM for testing 20mw, please report on VK Spotter.
Date 24/05/2020 “M A D EVENT” All had a great day either at home or in the field. 1296MHz – 10GHz were heard, lots of gear failure and rare DX, great too see everyone out and about in these trying times. Our next Event will be the VHF/UHF Winter field day in June.

Date 19/05/2020″Events reminder” Club Meeting Wednesday 27th all have been notified of the venue (ON ZOOM). 24 th M A D event in conjunction with 23 on 23 except its the 24th, try out you old or new gear from a mountain near you,(we are allowed out).
Date 24/04/2020 “23 on 23” Covid 19 has had an affect on lots of things, but 23cm; has to be the oddest.
Approximately 12 Hams made it to the 8.00pm session, VK4CZ
Not a bad role up for 23cm event, most of the signals were extreme, 59+ for most. Maybe the meteorological event or just a nite for it; lots of fun was had by all.
23/04/2020 “Z00M Save the meeting” Our Club, like many others have reverted to the ZOOM system to conduct there monthly meetings, during this lockdown event. Great meeting very well attended and some really interesting topics, all from the comfort of home.
3/04/2020 “Icom hit by Corona Virus” Read below.

Delay in Delivery of ” Icom IC-705 “
March 31, 2020No comments
Icom IC-705 Thank you for using ICOM products. Many customers have made reservations for the HF-430MHz all-mode 10W transceiver “IC-705”,… Read more
23/03/2020 “CLUB MEETING FOR MARCH- CANCELLED” 2020 Corona virus has taken its toll on lots of community gatherings, and our Club has succumb to the same restrictions. Watch our Club site and emails for any change in our Club calendar of events. All Radio airways are Coronavirus free, so using your equipment over this trying time is not limited in any way, except to your licensing condition.
16/03/020 “Stay Home or Away” A recent post has been brought to the sites attention from the Club Medico. “
The next meeting of the BVHFG will be on 25th March at the Eden’s Landing location
There was an error on the club website but this has been corrected now.
In view of the current Covid19 Pandemic, sorry I know we are already overwhelmed with information on this subject, common sense and good hygiene dictates that if you are unwell yourself or have been in contact with others showing any suggestion of this infection at this time then PLEASE stay home and away from your colleagues – its what mates do!
OK Medical Hat off again now
Kevin VK4UH
This is a Club community announcement, Thanks for your response.
24/02/2020 “M A D Report” About 10 plus call signs were heard, North, South,West and a bit East, hills and home based. As we were all spread so far the weather caught some and not others. Some had shelter, it was great to see and hear the microwave bands rocking most of the day. Full, Standard and F calls were out trying their best to make the day. Lots of gear failure, but thats what its about 23 on 23 M A D, don’t miss the next one.

22/02/2020″A Visual Map” VK4CZ has posted a map of those suggested sites for the M A D. As per the list on the post dated 16/02/2020 below.

18/02/2020 “A M A D Entry” Stephen will be packing some higher bands.
VK4CSD will be active from Panorama place Mt Gravatt working Doug OE on 24, 47 and 76GHz. Due to high humidty 76Ghz will be bit of a challange. Never less, lets try it. Afterwards I can relocate if anyone wants to have a QSO I can relocate to MtGravatt Lookout and work stations north, east, and west. on 2.4 3.4 5.7 24 47 76GHz. I might also have 10Ghz mixer level only.
16/02/2020 “M A D is on the move” As we will be holding the Microwave Activity Day (MAD)
the 23rd of this month in conjunction with 23 on 23, many operators are jockeying for the best hilltop location. How about you?.
Bands available: 2M/70/23cm/2.4/5.8/3.4/10/24/76/122 GHz, modes SSB, or as per liaison.
Times: 10:00am to Stumps was a starting point, some operators are going to travel longer distances, so some patients would help with there ability to be on air. Some are running 3-4 bands, others are running 8 plus, so it will be a big day.
A list so far VK4 UH/p() MIL/p(MtWoolvi) OE/p(Kamaru l/out) NE(Home) MJF(Home) CZ/p(GusBuetell) CDI/p(GormansGap) EA/p(Gantry D’Agular StateForest) KAY(Home) AFL(Home) ADC(Home)
Also a list will be published on VK Logger.
22/01/2020 “January Meeting a Blast” Many subjects were discussed Beacon repair, which has mystified thoughs charged with the repair.
Club call sign (VK4IF), has been active for the VHF/UHF Spring and Summer field days with outstanding results.
‘Stephen(VK4CSD) gave an update on 24/76/122/245 GHz and higher bands, with a simple easy method of building these bands for fun or competition.
MAD( Microwave Activity Day) will have the support of many club members heading to a hill near them, in conjunction with the 23 on 23 in February 2020, with all microwave bands to be activated.
12/01/2020 “February MAD Event is coming” VK4CZ has asked for a MAD be held as per this paste.”
Sunday February 23, would be the first opportunity for the conduct of a MAD in 2020! So like in the past, when the 23-on-23 activation event falls on a weekend, the opportunity to go ‘MAD’ has been exploited to generate on air activity for all with uWave capabilities beyond 23cm. Over night I have been approached by the Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio Club seeking confirmation of the MAD. On February 23, they have a club lunch BBQ planned for Mary Caincross Park [Maleny] from 11am [typically ending 2pm]. This will provide an excellent opportunity to expose their members to the wonders of uWave operating, with the support of Robert VK4LHD.This is an opportunity we should actively rally behind and support!Lets start planning, and make Sunday February 23 the first MAD of 2020.[Consideration My recommendation is that we plan to start ‘early’ – say 10am – and run through to the early afternoon, so that we can maximise the opportunity to expose SCARC members”
Date 19/12/2018″Xmas is here” Thanks to all our Club members and our Management team, for all our fabulous events throughout the year. Please keep safe over the festivities and come and see us in the new year, (not forgetting the up and coming Summer Field day.)
Date 26/11/2018 “VHF/UHF field day”Seems like a quiet turn out VK4 UH/p, OE/p, WIE/p, EA ,AMG, EMS AFL,VK2SRC and a few other were heard on Saturday and Sunday. Will be interested in results, will post as soon as received.
Date 16/10/2018 “Meteors come to Club. “There are five Wednesdays this month so the next BVHFG meeting is next week on the 24th. Usual time of 7:30 p.m. at the Chermside Library.
The feature of the meeting will be a talk by Kevin VK4UH: “An introduction to VHF meteor scatter propagation,” which is the same presentation that he delivered at the WIA ‘technical forum’ on the Gold Coast earlier in the year. Most of our Brisbane Group members/attendees will not have heard this talk before, and it should be a good one!
Date 12/10/2018 “See our Club fund raising” Check out the Club face book account for some really great bargains, : see here
Date 25/09/2018 “MAD EVENT GOES OFF SHORE” This months 23 on 23 was incorporated with a MAD event as per our Club event schedule, with a lot of interest coming from local VKs as well as across the pond. It is hoped that list coming summer season the higher bands and the gods will assist. VK4 MIL,UH and ZDX activated the Club call VK4IF/P supporting 1.2 to 24Ghz great to see the call on the logger again. VK4 KAY,AFL,OE,EMS,LHD and VK4ADM were all out either portable or home stations.

some microwave gear
Date 24/09/2018 “Its on CLUB MEETING” FOR SEPTEMBER 2018 it’s at ROBS QTH, SEE YOU THERE.
Date 10/09/2018 “New Amateur Club” Our past club treasurer Geoff (formerly VK4KJJ now VK3KGR) has passed some interesting news about this new Club.

8/09/2018″Clubs sales Team boosts Club Coffers” Thanks to all club members who rallied for the Wombye Hamfest, Lots of items were sold and a display of the new Club portable telescopic antenna project was well received, thanks to Kevin(VK4UH and Col (VK4MIL) and there supporters. Hope to see you on the Gold Coast Hamfest.
1/09/2018 “Prototypes are a go” Club prototype “BV-Mast” version 1.0
are a work in progress they are Three(3) section Six(6) metre telescopic types. Testing is still to be done, but all looks very promising. One might say get your order in quick “they will go fast,” said, Kevin(VK4UH) and Colin(VK4MIL), the project co-ordinaters.
24/08/2018 “We were there” Great to see you all there, with some positive outcomes coming from the meeting. See you next month.
21/08/2018″Next Club Meeting” We have a lots to cover regarding beacon and Funding. Also a talk on the subject of “understanding mixers and mixing for amateur radio”. Given By, “no its not Martha Stewart;” Its our own loveable Doug VK4OE. See you there.
2/08/2018 “Beacons are Us” I am pleased to report that all of the licensed output frequencies for VK4RBB are now back on-air and that I have updated their status on the ‘Beacons’ listing on the ‘VK-Logger—Doug OE.
27/07/2018 “Press that Button” Have ago; the Club Donation Button is now available to PRESS with the ability to except any and all donations for the Club Beacon maintenance.
Date 26/07/2018 “State of Origin “
Last nites Club meeting was taken to new heights, with the presentation by Kev(VK4UH) and Col (VK4MIL) with their talk on bring back the 10Ghz distance record to Queensland hands. The talk was very informative and gave some new and less heard of technics and pitfalls on terrestrial and digital operations, which can be used on any bands in our spectrum. With a 573 Km record between the border rangers and Sapphire near MacKay new record, a new attempt the next day of around 750Km was successful after a full days effort, but not recorded as this contact was only digital. It seems the new record will soon be furthered in the very near future.
It was also mentioned that the Club would have a stand at the coming Wombey hamfest , all help and donations of preloved gear and items to sell would be of great.
Also the Club PayPal button will be installed very soon and we hope you all test it for us and leave some comments?.
Please note Club Beacons for 432Mhz to 24Ghz are currently being refurbished, Doug VK4OE advises should be back beeping away on the weekend of 28th July.
Date 22/07/2018 “Its on again” Club Meeting: This month’s presentation will be conducted by Kevin & Colin, which will present the information on how the distance record of 10GHz record was broken with Rex VK7MO(Twice).
Where : Chermside Library
When from 7:30pm
Why see u there.
Date 18/07/2018 ” Results are in” Winter Field Day results have been posted on the WIA site, congratulations to those Club members who took part in the contest.These are the final results derived from processing 26 Division 1 logs and 43 Division 2 logs (49 stations submitting logs) that were received via the WIA log uploading web site. A further report will be published on the WIA web site and AR Magazine. See Results Here
Date 30/06/2018″ Record Extended” Kevin VK4UH has extended the 10GHz Queensland VK4 distance record to 573.1 Klm from their previous attempt of 429.7klm only lodge late last month (26/05/2018). We all look forward to their next effort.
Date 26/06/2018 ” Edens Landing is the Place” Wednesday nite is the next Club meeting Rob’s place is the space, see you there.

sorry about quality
An update of guest speaker & presentation for Wednesday night at Edens landing.
Rex VK7MO will be presenting to the group again, of some of his EME work. He has been busy of activating an entire swag of grid squares on 10GHz EME through Queensland.
Must see presentation.
Thanks see you there,
Date 25/06/2018″Winter Field Day roll out” Lots of Stations were out and about over last weekends Field Day VK4 WIE, WIS, OE ,EA, MIL and UH just to name a few. Its was great to see so many having a go, a large contingent also in northern VK2 also trying their rigs out.
Date 20/06/2018″ NEED HELP” From Brisbane VHF Group VK4RTT beacon
Hello everyone
The “new” digitally encoded, GPS locked high-power 2m and 6m beacon VK4RTT has been in test mode for over six months in SE Queensland.
We have just suffered a failure of the 2m PA device – Single MRF186 – in the beacon.
The devices are available from OS and are not particularly expensive to buy but the shipping times and therefore repair delays are longer than we would like before having the machine fully operational again.
Does anyone in VK have any spare/surplus MRF186 devices that could be sold or even donated to this valuable project?
We would be grateful for any support and would like to hear from anyone who might help, Please contact…..Kevin VK4UH BVHFG
[email protected]
Date 14/06/2018″New LCD Out” Take a look at the results of the WIA/LCD and give it the tick or cross. :::: Click Here.
Date 11/06/2018 “ITS REAL” Kevin(VK4UH) sent us this award to prove their claim, we did believe you Kevin. Congrats and Thanks.
Date 30/05/2018 “RED FEST IS ON” The annual Redfest will be held on Saturday the 2nd of June at St Michael’s College near the Abbey Museum in Caboolture Queensland.
St Michael’s College (and the Abbey Museum) is well signposted from the Bribie Island Road, heading toward Bribie Island from the highway. Look for signs from the Bribie Island Road.
Doors will open at 09:00 and admission will be $5.00
Raffles and door prizes will be running on the day.
Catering facilities will be provided. Easy and nearby parking.
Want to “Redistribute some Treasures?” Book a selling space for just $10/table.
Table setup from 07:00.
Date 29/05/2018″State Records Fall” Two Club members and VK7MO, have a New 10GHz Queensland Distance Record (26.5.18). Col VK4MIL and Kevin using the call sign VK4UH/P from the west facing lookout at Hodgsonvale (Toowoomba) broke the VK4 10GHz SSB, State distance record yesterday, working VK7MO/P4 at a roadside site near Ballon (just west of St George).(“VK4UH/p QG52xi to VK7MO/p4 QG31tx”). This new state distance record at 429.70 km extending the existing record, which stood unchallenged since 2008, by nearly 10%. They were using 60 watts to a 600mm dish, Rex VK7MO/P4 running 90watts to a 1200mm dish with 5/1 5/2 reports. We thank the Facebook blog for this exciting information.
Need to know more: Go to the Club Events Menu.
Date 25/05/2018″ WIA AGM Invite”

Microwave at the broadwater



set up

this is a shoot out and no rifles
VK2JDS/P on 47GHz QSO on Home-brewed gear

Peter VK4EA 47GHz gear

Shootout equipment
WIA decided to have their AGM at the Gold Coast this year and our Club was asked to present a novelty microwave showing. So many of the members and friends jumped on board with 10GHZ EME, 10GHz shoot out also was held, with 47, 76 and 122 GHz terrestrial. A 76GHz aircraft enhancement was also tried with the local Helicopter pad being close by. What showing it was of never-before-seen interest to a number of Queensland and interstate radio amateurs who called by for a look!
VK5KK and VK5ZD worked together to establish a new VK4 distance record on the 122 GHz band – about 2 Km across the water near the display site on the Gold Coast broadwater.
Date 24/05/2016 “New BVHFG Pack” Club AGM has been held and the nomination are in and voted on. Thanks to Rex (VK7MO) the AGM went well as he took charge of the proceedings to take the club into 2018-19 year. He waded through the list of official club officers nominees, with great ease, to which we now have finalised. With the Clubs new officers in place the May general meeting also went as smoothly and Doug (VK4OE) ask our guest speaker Rex (VK7MO) to give a talk on 10Ghz EME. As well as offering an insite to using the moon to bounce low/high power signals off, Rex spoke on aircraft enhancement, rain scatter and some world and Australian records which he and a couple of other interstate hams have logged in the past and also future ventures they will embark on. Most members were enlightened with the answers to some myths which had been miss informed about the subject, and left with new vigor and enthusiasm.
Date 20/05/2016 “Club AGM” Club AGM is to be held on the 23/05/2018 at the Chermside Library , see u there.
Date 13/05/2018 “GIPPS TECH DATES “ Gipps Tech has been confirmed, GippsTech 2018 is to be held 7 & 8 July 2018 at Churchill. Click for more information.
Date 26/04/2018 “Great 76Ghz nite” All that attended the Club Meeting last nite would have been enlightened by our Guest speaker Stefan(VK4CSD) and his model (VK4FB Roland) with their talk on 76-24Ghz really taking the fear away, suggesting a simplistic approach for the setting up and cost of such bands.
Date 19/04/2018 “There’s a Meeting on Wednesday”(It may be a public holiday Anzac Day) see you at the Chermside Library 25th April.
Please note:
We would like to mention that, at this months meeting, there will be a practical demonstration of some locally made gear for the 76 GHz band by Stefan, VK4CSD. And before you start to think that this is all too complicated, Stefan will show that experimentation on these frequencies is possible with minimal monetary outlay, and that achieving working equipment in this way is a practical possibility.
Date 9/04/2017″MAD extra” You might say it was a great day for all that took part in the event, we saw(heard) amateurs from all areas North Coast & South Coast (not VI4GAMES), Brisbane greater area, Rural Qld (Warwick) and of course; NSW (Kempsey etc..). Plus Two(2) Islands Stradbroke and Bribie.
Date 27/03/2018 “Hamfest Postponed” ‘Redfest” the Redcliffe amatuer Radio Club Hamfest normally held early April at the campus near Bribie Island road Caboolture. Has been POSTPONED will advise the date as know.
Date 25/03/2018 “Robs Place for a meeting” See u there.
Date 4/03/2018 “Talking Beacons” Geoff (VK4KJJ) at our last meeting explained the workings and coding of the (VK4RTT) 6 metre was transmitting JT65A ident also in the code was the temperature of the beacon cabinet at set intervals. Have a go yourself.

picture shows JT65/4 with temperature readings
Date 1/03/2018 “We are Inc.ed” Thanks to the hard yards from our treasurer Geoff (VK4KJJ) and the committee, our Club has know Incorporated. This with give us lots more freedom to move forward with other club projects. Other news from last nites meeting has seen Colin(VK4MIL) take over the reins of treasurer until the Club AGM, as Geoff(VK4KJJ) will be making a new life back in VK3. Of course the Club thanks Geoff for his tremendous efforts whilst being in office and wishes him well in his new life. Along with many activities planned for 2018, we will be conducting a Microwave shoot out at the WIA Annual general meeting, which will be held at the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society, or (GCARS) held on the Sunday 20th May 2018 (venue to be advised).
Date 27/02/2018″ Time Flies” Its on again Club Meeting 28th at the Chermside Library 7:30pm, see you there. Lots of interesting topics to be covered this month, including Incorporation, fund raising, and many other radio related subjects.

Club project 150watts 23cm give it a run, or why did u build it.
Date 23/02/2018″ 23 on 23″ So its the 23rd of the month and at 8.00pm the 23cm band will be abuzz, see you there.
Date 21/02/2018 “MAD–ITS ON !” We are holding the next Club Microwave Activity Day on (Sunday 8th April) from a hill or roof top near you, see you there. Keep checking for more detail as we finalise the days events. Already there has been a positive response from a number of members indicating they will be going out portable on the day, some people are going to Islands as well. The next Club meeting (28th of this month @ the Chermside Library) will be all a buzz with the details, see you there as well.

some microwave gear
Date 19/02/2018 “Tassy Goes 23cm” REAST(Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania) has reported they are running a 1296Mhz QSO Party on Sundays mornings @10am with the possible of 10Ghz contacts. Click here for more details . Great to see more of the 23cm band being used, with 23 on 23 (being 23cm on the 23rd of each month) in southeast Queensland and Northern NSW has been running for some years now with great success.
Date 16/02/2018″ Some update NEWS” Australian VHF-UHF enthusiasts:
“For the past year, Down East Microwave Inc., utilized a subcontractor to manufacture our VHF/UHF Transverter product line (50, 144, 222, and 432 MHz). As of January 15th 2018 this subcontractor, Q5 Signal, LLC. managed by Corey Abercrombie, N4NGZ, has acquired the exclusive rights to manufacture, sell and repair the existing VHF/UHF Transverter product line and all past VHF/UHF transverter products.
“We believe Q5 Signal’s past experience will allow them to continue with a commitment to quality, customer support, and future development of all VHF/UHF transverter products.
“Down East Microwave Inc will continue the manufacturing of 900MHz and above transverters along with its complete line of LNA’s, PA’s and accessories for amateur radio use.
“For details of the Q5 Signal product line or to purchase or schedule a repair of any VHF/UHF Transverter product please see the Q5 Signal website Click here:
Date 14/02/2018″ MAD is on the GO” Awaiting further advice.
Date 12/02/2018 “Check your Dates” Its has been reported that the web site was displaying the August 2018 meeting @ the Chermside Library was dated incorrectly, so please be advised of the revised date being from the 25th to the 22nd August 2018. Thanks Kevin VK4UH
Date 21/01/2018 “Will you be there” Club Meeting ,Chermside Library this Wednesday nite, see you there. Lots to talk about , been a busy eventfull break, radio wise.
Date 16/01/2018 “There’s a January Meeting” On the Wednesday 24th @ the Chermside Library.
Date 15/01/2018 “Summer Field Day” Club members Doug VK4OE/P and Geoff VK4KJJ/P completed two way contacts on 24 GHz and 47GHz during the summer field day. Despite the heat Geoff found a shady tree at Shorncliffe to work Doug.
Date 2/1/2018″ A Happy New Year’s Result” As the holiday period ends and we are all off to our normal daily tasks, there is some surprising news, the results are in for the Spring VHF-UHF Field day, held late in December 2017. More so as VK4IF was activated for our Club by VK4UH(Kevin) and VK4MIL(Colin) from Howells Knob in the Sunshine coast Hinterland with a Certificated result, thanks too them both. Amazingly VK4OE(Doug Portable) and VK4MJF(John home base on RF Island) being Club members also featured with a certificated result, along with VK4AMG(George) and VK4ADC (Doug), I’m sure we all thank them all for their efforts. Click Here for full details.
Date 24/12/2017 “A Xmas wish from our Club committee” As we all approach the Christmas-New Year holiday season, there are just so many things we each could look forward to. Each of us values this time of the year in different ways, and that seems to depend a lot on the way we have each been brought up as a child, plus our longings and beliefs as adults.
“For we VHF-UHF amateur radio types, one thing is universal and for sure – that by on-air activity, respect and friendly rivalry we actually support each other’s varying interests. Good equipment and good propagation are often regarded as prime considerations but they are really only part of and secondary to those grand goals.
“We, the management committee of the Brisbane VHF Group, sincerely wish all readers a happy and safe holiday season and a healthy and fulfilling 2018 to come. Throughout the new year, let’s continue to make VHF-and-above amateur radio a really good scene to be part of in South-East Queensland!”
Cheers and 73,
–Doug (and Geoff and Jason).
Date 12/12/2017 “Club sweeps Field Day” VK4 IF(Kevin and Colin Howells Knob),OE(Doug Mt Gravatt ,Border Rangers ),MJF(John RF Island),AMG(George QTH) all have entered the Spring Field Day this year. At todays date we have done very well in the provisional placings. Will have to wait for for the final results, with thanks to all who assisted on the day .
Date 12/12/2017 “FT817’s new dial” After our report on the update to the Yaesu FT817 face lift one of our club members has taken up the challenge and install the mod.
After comparing the two screens, its a no brainer you could spend the money and configure the screen into the system and see what you are trying to do.
Date 25/11/2017″Voting never stopped VK4IF” It was good to see The Club (VK4IF) call sign activated this weekend from Howels Knob north of Brisbane; by Kevin(VK4UH) and Colin (VK4MIL). There were many other operators out and about ,up and down the east coast as well as VK5;VK6 stations mucking in as well. Several Club members were also heard on a few mountain tops, with all the intentions of assisting each other for points. Openings south as far as Kempsey, Lismore and Grafton some call signs in the VKF—(Foundations call) were heard, gathering points, great to see more enjoyment and involvement. See you all in January 2018 we hope.
Date 22/11/2017 “End Year Meeting” Very productive meeting, all were asked to assist in the Clubs Incorporation constitution and voted accordingly. Thanks to all members and guest how assisted and we will meet again early in 2018. Lots of other juicy matters were discussed mostly on the up and coming 2 field days (in Nov2017 and Jan2018),also 23 on 23. So give it a go see you there. A merry Xmas to all the members and a bite 2018.
Date 15/11/2017 “6 (six)Metres has a great start” If you follow the propagation tree on 6 (six) metres; this season seems to be building too a great one. Lots of activity with the digital modes; FT8, SSB contacts and follow the beacons are all ago too date. Contacts across the pond and further north. 23 on 23 is also coming up pencil this date in, always a fun nite. And not too forget on the 22nd November 2017 our Club Meeting @ the Chermside Library. Topics so far have been Geoff’s 2metre record on Cocos Island, Adams talk on fixing the Thunderbolt GPS and software update and Doug’s show and tell on the overseas Microwave activity etc. Ah yes this is the last meeting until after Xmas so maybe Santa is coming to fill our stockings with microwave goodies, you’ll have to come to see.
Date 10/11/2017″DX Isles a go” VK9MA and VK9AR, VK9AR/6 are all up and operating on there appointed reeves. Have a read at their site jump on the old dipole etc and give em a number, several modes including digital (FT8). Then get out and plan you own.
and VK9AR, VK9AR/6 are all up and operating on there appointed reeves. Have a read at their site jump on the old dipole etc and give em a number, several modes including digital (FT8). Then get out and plan you own.
Date 2/11/2017 “Winter Field day results “ Please take a look and see how you went in this years Winter field day results for 2017::Check results here.
Date 29/10/2017 “See whats on your ft817 screen” Take a look :here
This is a great mod to your FT8-7, really good functions easier to use than the radio’s small menu screen.
Date 24/10/2017 “October Meeting” Another great meeting last night with all the members contributing, reporting on their own activities and Projects. VK4UH/VK4KJJ reported on the new 6-2 metre beacons still under test, with hope to be active for the coming summer season. Doug VK4OE returned from his 9 week trip throughout parts of England and some of Europe, give us some insight into micro wave clubs in the UK, ending with sum shots of the Northern Lights from Norway.
Date 23/10/2017 “NSW 23 on 23” Its 19:20 EST already a couple of VK2 are in to the 1296Mhz nite (VK2AZ VK2FLR VK2KYP VK2VL) posting on average about 60Klms great to see. Also @ 20:00 hrs EST a good roll up in VK4 12-14 posting contacts on 1296Mhz and 2.4Ghz longest distance 400Klm to VK2Max thanks to Grant for staying up till late.
Date 22/10/2017″See u @ the Library” Don t forget the October meeting (Wednesday 25th @ 7.00 pm(19:00 hrs)) is at the Chermside Library this month, See U there.
Dateline 22/10/2017 “23 on 23” Monday night 8.00pm ( 20:00hrsEST ( 10:00 UTC)21:00 hrs DLST)) whichever you like, see u there.
Date 21/10/2017″Re invent ourselves” Well off we go again “reinvent ourselves”, says the WIA. In its latest find ourselves, workshop to find out how to resolve the age old problem of how get new members and re-spark the hobby. WIA has highlighted the Z-call and foundation calls were introduced, to assist in the lack of interest in the tech savvy youth of today. With the help of a proposed new LCD and other school projects such as SARC (School Amateur Radio Club net), STEM (Science technology Engineering and Maths). With this in mind the WIA consulted widely with members and non-members on the future Licence Condition Determination (LCD). A review and reform of the LCD is now expected to begin soon, to be finalised in 2018. Some of the more traditional communication media such as Facebook, twitter etc, are the ones to target to try to integrate the hobby, via or though these other forms. All very interesting reading so take a look. Here.
Also after you have had a read remember the real life of Amateur radio is on the 23 on 23 this month so see you there.
Date 27/09/2017″Thundering Meeting” With thanks to Adam VK4GHZ and his Picaxe upgrade talk on the Thunderbolt GPS upgrade, and Geoffs VK4KJJ boast on a 2 metre Long distance record on Cocos Island, of .9 Klms (look it up here WIA Site) distance records), being some of the topics. Our September Meeting was a great success at the Chermside Library, Thanks to all that attended. Also finally VK4NEF(Eric) was presented with his Life Membership Plaque.
144 – 148 MHz Distance Record. as at 28/09/2017
VK4KJJ/VK9C 16/09/17 0.9 Klms
Date 25/09/2017″ Theres a meeting common up”
Hello gentlemen,
Once again this Wednesday is the Brisbane VHF Group meeting night at Chermside Library.
Also Adam VK4GHZ will be there doing firmware updates as well.
We will be starting the meeting at 7.00pm to allow time to update the firmware on the Thunderbolt units.
Please see on site, for the Thunderbolt of what you need to bring and do.
Thank you
Jason Morris
Date 24/09/2017″23 on 23 was off and running” Well this months 23 on 23 was had a great roll up with signal up and down the VK4-VK2 areas. Some aircraft enhancement with a bit of Troppo mixed in.
Date 14/09/2017 “23 on 23” As September 23rd falls on a weekend (next Saturday), it provides the chance for [non-retired] operators to take full advantage of the extra time, and head for the hills to trial their /P station capabilities, investigate new paths and hopefully complete a contact with a new station or two that they wouldn’t normally work from their home station.
It also, and more importantly provides the time and opportunity to activate other uWave bands and reduce the $:QSO for the investment made in our capabilities. 🙂
The recommendation for a 12noon start in July seems appropriate for the September 23-on-23+MAD, so here’s a suggested schedule:
12:00pm (02:00z) – 02:00pm (04:00z) 23cm + 13cm SSB/CW only
1:00pm (03:00z) – 3:00pm (05:00z) 9cm and above uWave bands
For stations in SE VK4 liaison –
147.000 Repeater
40m – 7.150MHz (for those with /P HF capability)
Mobile/cell phone
For all participants –
VKLogger iChat ’23&Above’
As a number of 23cm Plus operators choose not to participate in this forum, please let those who you know may be interested of the event and ask them to also share their plans. [hard to point the dish to someone if you don’t know they’re there!!]
However to allow others to plan their participation, could you please advise your interest, availability and any suggested enhancements to the schedule in this thread?
And once you’ve shared your intended /P location on here, most importantly update your /P profile on VKLogger to ensure that we know where you are!
Scott VK4CZ.
Date 13/09/2017″Tropo’s IN” Looks like a great start to the season with Hepburn Charts predicting possible contacts to the North, South and East.
Date 4/09/2017″IC910 has been upgraded” IC9700 is on its way.
Icom Inc will be showing a prototype of a new VHF/UHF/1.2GHz transceiver called the IC-9700 at the Tokyo Hamfair, taking place on September 2nd and 3rd.
This radio has been kept under wraps and we don’t know too much about this radio at the moment. What we can surmise is that the IC-9700 will probably be an SDR successor to the popular IC-910H VHF/UHF transceiver.
Also being shown are other forthcoming Icom radio models including:
• IC-7610 SDR HF/50MHz Transceiver (Base Station)
• IC-R8600 SDR Wideband Receiver (Base Station) with updated firmware which is capable of I/Q output
• IC-R30 Communications Receiver (Handheld)
• ID-31PLUS UHF Digital D-STAR Transceiver (Handheld)
As we have mentioned, the IC-9700 is only a prototype version, and we will not be able to confirm final product features, cost and availability. More details will be provided when we have them.
To keep up to date with all Icom news, stay tuned to this website and social media channels or sign up to our Newsletter.
Icom UK Marketing: [email protected]
Date 1/09/2017 “Thunderbolt update” VK4GHZ Thunderbolt Display Firmware Fix.
Date 24/08/2017″Only 3 players” It was a bit light on contestants, 23 on 23 was on last nite and very few operators were available, lets hope the following will front up next month.
Date 23/08/2017 “Tonites the nite” Meeting at Rob’s place 7:30pm Edens Landing see you all there.
Date 15/08/2017 ” More 3.6Ghz to be carved off” ACMA has lodged a new Optional paper on the “Future approach to the 3.6Ghz band, which was published in June 2017”. To which the WIA has responded just last week. Need to see more :read more.
Date 14/08/2017 ” Another JT65 Lookalike”
The digital mode FT8 although still in Beta testing has caught on, luring many using the popular JT65 weak signal mode. The WSJT-X 1.8.0 beta software has the FT8 mode described as fast with an entire QSO taking about a minute, which is four times faster than JT65.
Developed by Steven K9AN and Joe K1JT – the name FT8 stands for its creators Franke and Taylor and 8-Frequency Shift Keying modulation. Using a 15-second transmit and receive sequences it provides 50 per cent or better decoding probability down to minus-20 dB. Like JT65 it requires accurate time synchronisation.
An auto-sequencing option can also respond automatically to a CQ call decoded reply. An excellent HF DXing mode and multi-hop sporadic-E propagation on 6 metres where deep fading may make fast and reliable QSO completion desirable. Some are comparing FT8 use to that of JT65, and believe more are on air trying the new one. Experimenters have a Facebook page available by clickingthe following Link
Date 12/08/2017″ Is it Y2K1.7 !! ,Software Update, Early Start”
See here VK4GHZ Thunderbolt Display Firmware Fix
Adam, VK4GHZ, has a firmware fix which corrects for the Thunderbolt date error, which occurred on 31 July 2017.
A number of VHF group members have these units so Adam has agreed to come to the September VHF Group meeting and upgrade the firmware for them. The attached gives more details.
Adam will also give a short talk about the Thunderbolt.
There are at least 12 Thunderbolts in the Brisbane area so to get through all of them the “September meeting will start at 7 PM. “
Date 07/08/2017″ READ THIS MESSAGE” The August Meeting will be at Rob’s Venue due to a booking problem with the Chermside Library. Please amend your calendars. Also don’t forget the Club raffle is on that night.
Date 27/07/2016 “Meeting votes for new venue” After our first over the other side of town meeting, all were happy to give it another go. It was suggested at the first trial meeting at Chermside Library, that the group would hold meetings at the Library and VK4ZDX’s venue, as detailed in the meeting schedule on the website page. Also a Facebook contact blog will be setup for members only at first (for use as a liaison tool for testing new/old equipment and many other bright and new idea’s.)
Also a Club raffle has been set in motion for the next meeting in August 7.30 pm Chermide Library, with the prize being donate by one of Doug VK4OE’s suppliers (thanks Doug and his supplier) of a Hand held digital Multimeter. Get in touch with GeoffVK4KJJ if you require tickets before that next meeting.
And if that isn’t enough excitement for one meeting ,” who’s the lucky life member? “All will be revealed at the August Club Meeting.
Date 26/07/2017 ” JUST A REMINDER” The venue has changed but the meeting is the same.
The next meeting is Tonite the 26th July 2017 @ 7:30 pm.
Chermside Library, address as:
On the corner of
Hamilton Road & Kittyhawk Drive,
Car park is via the Kittyhawk Drive.
instructions on how to get there.
if coming from Hamilton Road, turn into Kittyhawk Drive than turn right after the library and there is parking in that area.
If this car park is full you can park in the RSL car park immediately behind the library.
It has been muted, a lucky door prize has been allocated for some lucky member or visitor.
Date 21/07/2017 “Geoff runs the numbers” Click for the test results for the 10Ghz shoot out. see here:10 GHz Shootout report 2017
Date 16/07/2017″Great 10 Ghz Roll up” We arrived just before 9am, the activity was abuzz and well underway. Redcliffe personal looking for helpers to erect the marquis and people running around setting up the hole show. Our thanks go out too, Geoff VK4KJJ and other for their enthusiasm here. The dish count was 10 plus one @ home (the Yobo’s from Brisbane City RC left theirs in the club shack) meaning 11 rigs were setup for the shoot out. Most competitors were very happy with the day and the results will be published as the list of winners is available. We also wish to thank the Redcliffe Radio Club for the use of their venue.
[slideshow_deploy id=’950′]
Date 15/07/2017″Just a reminder” 10Ghz Shoot out @ Redcliffe Radio Club .10am Sunday 16th, yes thats tomorrow . see u there.
Date 13/07 2017 “Pencil this in “ Next meeting venue has changed, read below for the easy instructions.
Reminder that next week is the next meeting for the Brisbane VHF Group at the new trial location.
The next meeting is on the 26th July 2017 @ 7:30 pm.
Chermside Library, address as:
On the corner of
Hamilton Road & Kittyhawk Drive,
Car park is via the Kittyhawk Drive.
instructions on how to get there.
if coming from Hamilton Road, turn into Kittyhawk Drive than turn right after the library and there is parking in that area.
If this car park is full you can park in the RSL car park immediately behind the library.
Thank you
Date 12/07/2017″Redcliffe is on this weekend” See you there, 10am start.
Date 11/07/2017″Getting Close”
The Brisbane VHF Group would like to invite all microwavers to a get together on Sunday 16th July at the clubrooms of the Redcliffe and District Amateur Radio Club.
We will be setting up a test range for 10 GHz. So bring along your 10 GHz gear and give it a test. As well as having a weak signal source to compare receivers we are also going to have the facility to compare transmitter signal strength – something new.
This get together will also be a good chance to bring along …your latest project to show others what you have been working on.
The Redcliffe club will have food (BBQ) available. More details will be posted closer to the date.
Geoff VK4KJJ
Date 29/06/2017″A Build is on” Some Club members are interested in building a new version of 2metre (LFA) Antenna’s more to follow.
Date 28/06/2017″From the Meeting” It was suggested that we hold a meeting @ the Chermside Library for the July Meeting more will be posted.
Date 23/06/2017″BIG WEEKEND”Booked as one of the biggest week end on the June radio calendar 23-23 on Friday 23rd with the Winter Field day 24th-25th Saturday and Sunday. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Date 21/06/2017″BIG WEEKEND”Booked as one of the biggest week end on the June radio calendar 23-23 on Friday 23rd with the Winter Field day 24th-25th Saturday and Sunday. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Date 20/06/2017″Thinking about Field Day 2017″ Elecraft have published an interesting Ad, to stimulate Field day activity and of course sales in their product. Have a look it does have some interesting remarks about the subject. see here::
Date 12/06/2017 “Clubs Dying?” It was reported on the WIA news this week, that our club BVHF Group was one of the last Brisbane based groups; still operating,thats according to one Geoff Emery VK4ZPP
Date 30/05/2017 “Pencil in this date” July 16 th 2017.
The Brisbane VHF Group would like to invite all microwavers to a get together on Sunday 16th July at the clubrooms of the Redcliffe and District Amateur Radio Club.
We will be setting up a test range for 10 GHz. So bring along your 10 GHz gear and give it a test. As well as having a weak signal source to compare receivers we are also going to have the facility to compare transmitter signal strength – something new.
This get together will also be a good chance to bring along …your latest project to show others what you have been working on.
The Redcliffe club will have food (BBQ) available. More details will be posted closer to the date.
Geoff VK4KJJ
Date 25/05/2017 “New Team’s in” The Club AGM has now past and the new team is set for a bright 2017-18 year.
Office bearers are:
President – Doug Friend VK4OE
Secretary – Jason Morris VK4YOL
Treasurer – Geoff Robinson VK4KJJ
We thank the outgoing committee for their timely service during the past year, and to “Paul VK4ZEM “, we give a special vote of thanks for his many years of service donated to the Club, as the outgoing Treasurer.
With the Club improvements and activities of 2016-17, we all look forward to this coming years exciting 2017-18. Annual Club fees are $20.00 and some club activities have been scheduled, with the first being a Microwave get together on July 16th with the venue to be advised. Hope to see you all there.
Date 24/05/2017″23 on 23″ Good roll up VK4 CZ UH ALF EMS LHD/p KAY KJJ VDX ZL KX/p AMG MIL MJF ADM AND VK2MAX (all were heard by author ), others also making use of the vk logger for the event where VK2FLR MRX ZIW for some, great roll up, see u all next month.
Date 23/05/2017 “Meeting wednesday 24th” See you there.
Dateline 29/04/2017 “MSHV” No its not the latest naval ship to grace the Australian navy, its the latest digital software for meter scatter, too date it seems as if it out performs all the past FSK WSJT/65 formats. LZ2HV has developed this new format, with most computer formats accommodated. Give it a go used on all higher bands 6metres up, mostly on week ends with some activity during the week, usually liaised with the VK Logger.
Anyway give it go see u there. download copy from here:::http://lz2hv.org/mshv
Date 28/04/2017 “Trail Exams online” Fore fill all your dreams of becoming an amateur radio enthusiast, and have a look here. :::: http://www.silvertrain.com.au
Date 10/04/2017″Red what?” Red Fest the Redcliffe Amatuer Radio Club is running there next hamfest on the 22/04/2017 just after the Easter week break. Check here: https://www.redclifferadioclub.org.au See U there.

Looks like this,no bells here
Date 11/3/2017 “A Story to tell” IC910 a Icom ledgend, a dual receive transceiver suppling 100 watts vhf /75 watts uhf with an optional 10 watts 1296 Mhz/shf . This radio lends itself to be an excellent field day and multi usage in the shack, very versatile has its up and down sides but all in all well worth owning. Then all of a sudden it all goes out the window, low power on one band or another “ah sugar what to do”. Read all the info on the Internet, blogs, user groups etc, with a result of the pockets seemingly to be emptying with every sentence. Well maybe all is not so !.
It all finishes, with a round trip to Wyong NSW 2017 (about 1800 klms) VK4AR,

remove 1 fuse 1.5 metres câble
NE and MJF talking the usual radio stuff, then the subject of the 910 hit the stage. Following is one cure to the above problem: Achieve 13.8 volts seems to be the magic voltage and 22 or + amperes. VK4MV(Alister) had also hinted to its small problem with power, many month previous. So VK4NE, and MJF; set out on the task to prove the solution, first lets see, power the radio with tune 144.155 mhz ssb/FM add a dummy load (not MJF), :result 13.8 volts/30 watts , next 14.5 volts/33 watts and if you keep adding to the voltage/watts increase, (the icom manual suggests 14-15 volts is ok?). First we changed the power lead with no fuses, :result 13.8 volts/24amps Sh:: amazing (MJF nearly fell off is chair), after steadying ourselves we change to another set of leads, this time with 2 fuses as supplied by Icom in the box as new: result 13.8volts/22 amps. Ok, back to the original power cord, clean and squeeze fuse connectors, also the plug to the radio,: result 13.8 volts/20 amps. We then removed 1 fuse cleaned the other with sand paper took away the power poles and added a direct link to the power supply, :result 13.8volts/24 amps (MJF’s jaw dropped), @14.5 volts/26watts. Total gain on our metre with 13.8 volts: 80-90 watts SSB: 100 watts FM, total outlay a hour or so, some solder, and a lunch at the Beachmere Tavern. All figures were taken as read, before our luncheon. Hope this helps others with this small problem.
Date 28/2/2017 “Who’s in the Crowd” We all took to the road last weekend for the annual pilgrimage to Wyong, some to sell their wares and others just to meet up.

The chief wheeling and dealing
There were lots to be seen and seminars to visit, people to meet and lots of other interesting thing to do and see. We didn’t see you there, maybe next year 2018?
Date 22/2/2017″Wyong Field day” Here is the site to see whats on, Go and see.
Click here :Take a look. Maybe we’ll see you all there.
17/2/2017 ” Its 23 on 23 “will go to 2.4Ghz & up” 23rd February 2017. See you there.
Date 23/1/2017 “WIA Board explains” Well we are back from the festive season and we’re sure there is lots to cover in coming 2017 season. In the first news at the start of 2017, is the WIA’s fact sheet site, click here : http://www.wia.org.au/joinwia/wia/factsheets/index.php , to help clear up some issues that seem to dog the hobby administration.
Date 8/1/2017″ Very little change” The latest Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan – ARSP 2017 – was published on the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) website on 3 January 2017. It was registered by the ACMA on 20 December 2016 and came into effect the next day, with a commencement date of 1 January 2017. Click here : for more.
Date 1/1/2017 “Happy New Year” To all our supporters and members, we are looking forward to the next twelve exciting month with all club activities and events.
Date 2/12/2016 “4 Directors rolled WIA” please read below:
Date : 01 / 12 / 2016
Author : Jim Linton – VK3PC
Under clause 8.3 (b) of the Constitution of the Wireless Institute of Australia a call was made on Tuesday November 29 for a General Meeting of WIA members.
A letter received had four motions, calling for four Directors of the WIA to be “removed immediately as a director of the WIA.”
The four directors are:
– Phil Wait
– Fred Swainston
– Roger Harrison
– Robert Broomhead
The letter called for a General Meeting on the 9th of December. This date would be not possible; however, it does not make the call invalid.
The call document itself was short of the required 100 signatures, and about a quarter were incomplete. However, identical signed letters were found, including one received on Wednesday November 30, meaning that under clause 8.3 (b) of the Constitution, the call for a General Meeting became valid.
The WIA Board of Directors has begun the process of arranging for a General Meeting.
An estimated cost of at least $10,000 would be incurred by printing the notices, mail house enveloping, distributing them by Australia Post to all members, the venue charge and any other expenses.
WIA members can expect notification details by Australia Post, and anticipate the General Meeting is to be held in late January 2017.
– Jim Linton, WIA Secretary
Date 1/12/2016″ IKW Drama still goes on” Seems the WIA is still working with ACMA on the I kilowatt saga. See below ,
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) is keeping alive its advocacy that Advanced Licensees be allowed to use up to 1kW power. The WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee has put to the ACMA the issue of high power beyond the present limit of 400 watts peak, in its “log of claims” after the now-infamous high power trial in 2013.
Many radio amateurs ask why is it that we just can’t have it, like in so many other countries – New Zealand, America, Canada, Japan and so on? Spectrum Strategy Committee spokesman Roger Harrison VK2ZRH says the central issue comes down to that of compliance with electromagnetic radiation standards in Australia. The ACMA uses the term “electromagnetic emissions” – abbreviated EME – but the acronym EMR (for electromagnetic radiation) is also widely used for the same thing. Australia is unique in the world when it comes to radiocommunications regulation, embodied in licence conditions, and compliance with electromagnetic radiation standards. Here, the two things are linked – but nowhere else in the world.
In Australia, our radiocommunications regulator – the ACMA – has the responsibility to ensure compliance, and every licensee (not just radio amateurs) is required to comply. The ACMA has a responsibility to the public, to ensure that electromagnetic emissions from all radio transmitting systems do not present a harmful situation. In fulfilling that responsibility, the ACMA needs to know where possibly harmful transmitter systems are located and that such locations are recorded on a licence. With that understanding, the Spectrum Strategy Committee is working with the ACMA to develop suitable procedures under which radio amateurs interested in running high power can make an application that meets the ACMA’s technical and regulatory requirements.
Date 19/09/216″Beacon Feast” BVHF Group has pieasure to announce. “So, for the first time ever, there are signals on all of the licensed output frequencies for VK4RBB”.
Date 22/08/2016″Winter FD” Below is a list of the results of the 38 call signs used in the winter field day 2016, hope this is a help.
Dateline 14/08/2016″Results are in” Re 2016 Winter Field Day Results are finally in.
Date 13/08/2016 “A swapmeet is on” Microwave Show and Tell in VK5
Its on again, the Microwave show and tell at the SCARC club at Seaford Meadows. The Seaford Meadows Scout facility on Railway Road is the venue, on Thursday 15th September, from 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing some of the new gear, and developments from last year. SA is the place to drop in for some of those hard to find microwave goodies.
see here:http://www.scarc.org.au
Date 28/07/2016: “Its a bright Trophy” Uwave 2016 achievement award”, A Presentation to Doug Friend (VK4OE) for the 2016 Microwavers Achievement Award created by Alan Devlin (VK3XPD). Accepted in absentia by Geoff (VK4KJJ) at Gippstech 2016. It also appears that Doug has or is still holding all the awards for high band operation, except 5.7 Ghz, we think this will be fixed in the very near future.
see here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5D6gbL2NwU&feature=youtu.be
Date 24/07/2016 ” 23 0n 23 A Buzz” VK4CZ has reported lots of contacts by all who participated in July 23 on 23 weekend, if you require some more in-depth reading please use the site below.
see here:http://www.vklogger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=13699&start=20
Dateline 8/07/2016″Free Radio based email ” A not well known service, provided by the WIA.
What Is The WIA Email Address
The WIA, though its email server, allows you to establish “[email protected]” with all emails sent to this address automatically forwarded to either your home or work email account.. See more here: http://www.wia.org.au/members/email/about/
Date 7/07/2016 “Inland Troppo “ Upon inspection of coming Hepburn charts, there is another chance of tropo paths extending to areas of VK4 from VK5/3/2, possibly beginning the coming Thursday morning, so far. This has followed a good week of VK4 from VK5/3/2.
Date 3/07/2016 “23 on 23 will go to 24Ghz” Great to see more micro wave bands making an entrance. Saturday 23rd July 2016. See you there.
Date 28/06/2016 “Get Booking” REGISTRATION CLOSING SOON !
Registration for GippsTech will be closing at midnight Friday 1st July (local time) no exceptions , If you haven’t registered yet please do so asap . Raffle tickets will be sold at Dinner Friday and over the weekend and drawn Sunday morning after morning tea.
Date 18/06/2016 “23 0n 23 “ Is this the fastest growing side of our hobby? See u there.
Date 8/06/2016 ” GIPPS TECH 2016″ Just a reminder if you are thinking of going GippsTech 2016
July 9th & 10th 2016
Date 29/05/2016″New EME Logger” 144 432 1296 logger. see here :http://www.livecq.eu/logger/default.asp
Date 30/04/2016″Icom up in the sherwood” Of course its not the forrest. No its official Icom has finally made the sherwood Engineering top 20. Interesting to note the Elecraft K series of radios are still in the top 10, with the Flex 6700 taking top billing. Something that is shown in the graph, is the larger manufacturers have lifted their game. So if you can afford the cost of their new range, you will get something the rates. See here: http://www.sherweng.com/table.html
26/04/2016 “HZ Mods 10mhz ref.” Have a look here:http://www.vklogger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=11226&p=60882#p60882
17/04/2016 “WIA has LCD Go” Have a look here:
12/04/2016 “Winter field day 2016” Winter 2016 – Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 June.
18/02/2016 “Results are in” 2016 Summer Field Day results have been posted here:http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/documents/Summer2016PreliminaryRes
Club members have done well so keep up the good work.
26/1/2016 “See U @ The Meeting” Tomorrow nite at Robs place. See U There.
24/1/2016 “Results are in ” 2016 Springfield day are here:
26/12/2015 “Results are in” 2015 Springfield day 2015 results are here:
8/11/2015″ Don’t Forget The Field Day” Spring Field Day VHF-UHF Field Day 14th-15th (not confirmed need helpers), location to be confirmed.
14/09/2015 “A new slant on portable” Have a look here for a tower that may be for you.
Click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtIFMNd9RnA&feature=youtu.be
9/09/2015″Must read changes” WIA and ACMA have change the licensing arrangements. The SPECTRA system means a number of changes to the WIA Exams Service that will affect both the assessors and candidates. Read more…..
Click here : http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2015/20150904-1/index.php
4/09/2015 “Web Site Whoo’s” Yes the SCARC Sunfeast is on Pencil in the 12th of this month. A Club official said, “We are having some problems with our web site”.” It is being advertising in AR Mag, (Aug & Sept issue) and on WIA news Broadcast for the past 3 months and on the club news & call backs every Sunday for the past 8 weeks. The event ” Wombye Sunfest ” is still on for September 12th 2015 at the Woombye hall. Doors open at 9am (7am for sellers) Entry is still $5.00 and that includes a ticket in the lucky door prize.
For any extra detail you can contact Warwick VK4NW at secretary @vk4wis.org
30/08/2015 “An Ad” We are one (A Radio Club) give us a go.
27/08/2015″Spectrum Review” It’s official.
The Australian Government will implement all the recommendations of the Spectrum Review conducted over 2014-15 by the Department of Communications together with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
Announced on 25 August, a tight program of changes to legislation and regulations will be carried out over the next two years, commencing in October and running through to mid-2017, when the new regime is intended to start.
A single licensing system is the principal feature of what the Government is calling the “new spectrum framework”. The current apparatus, class and spectrum licensing regimes will disappear, to be replaced with licences that set out the conditions of use for spectrum access detailed in a set of key parameters.
Get the skinny here: http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2 … /index.php
25/08/2015″See U @ The Meeting” Tomorrow nite at Robs place. See U There.
24/08/2015 “Icom goes SDR” Icom 7300 just released at the Toyko ham feast.
click here:http://sdr-radio.com/Blog
Also click here:https://youtu.be/KX2tvoleXrk
Given the feedback from the last 23-on-23 Plus, I think it was agreed that we separate the 23cm from the ‘Plus’ operating so that the 23cm only and ‘home’ stations are able to maximise the opportunity to work as many of the /P stations before we QSY and chase Qs up the bands.
As such, the earlier suggested schedule seems to be the best option:
23cm SSB/CW
10:00am (00:00z) – 11:00am (01:00z)
23cm Plus uWave
11:00am (01:00z) – 2pm (04:00z)
Liaison –
147.000 Repeater (if the RDRC would be happy with that)
40m – 7.150MHz (is that still the recommended QRG?)
Mobile/cell phone
VKLogger iChat ’23&Above’
Unfortunately a few of the 23cm & uWave operators in SE VK4 don’t participate in this Forum, as such it would be appreciated if you could share this information to all interested operators.
20/08/2015 “Forward Thinking”August 23 on 23”.“A Queensland & NTH NSW Field day excuse”
The August 23-on-23 will fall on a Sunday. That means it’s time we start planning a 23-on-23+Plus! :crazy:
It means that if we hold true to the original intentions for the 23-on-23, being a weekend those who are keen to further explore a new paths potential can make the effort and head for the hills and work others (and the home stations too). It also means that we can also take the time to activate a other uWave bands on the day too. :om3: :om2:
After the last 23-on-23+Plus I received some negative feedback due to the ‘band swapping’ etc. So before we embark on this one we’ll seek opinions on how we optimise the time and maximise the effort and fun. This will probably require us to consider a more structured approach to the day with band slots etc used to to coordinate activation and also ensure that on each band we achieve maximum activation!
If we can aim for a start time of (say) 10AM, we should be able to structure activity on 23cm through to 3cm and beyond and wrap up by mid afternoon to pack-up and start the drive home.
With ‘just’ seven (7) weeks to go, start considering your plans, booking in radio time with family and planning potential portable sites.
20/08/2015″ Win 10 free” Free update windows 10 from window7.
Things that work as they should on Win7
HRD – The last free version
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Go! USB (FT-857D audio I/O)
G4ZLP interface – FTDI USB chip (Data for 857/817 etc)
Omni Rig
12/08/2015″Silent Key” VK4AAE (VK4ZAE) Alan Simpson
SIMPSON, Alan Montgomery Late of Everton Parkand formerly Mt Nebo. Passed away on 10th August, 2015. Aged 85 Years Family and Friends are respectfully invited to attend Alan’s Funeral Service, to be held at the Lakeview Chapel, Albany Creek Memorial Park, 400 Albany Creek Road, Bridgeman Downs, on Thursday, 13th August, 2015, commencing at 3.30 p. m.”
See more at: http://tributes.couriermail.com.au/noti … 7Dfsc.dpuf
Alan was one of the very early VHF pioneers of South-East Queensland and was a keen experimenter in many things, including amateur radio. He may well have been a founding member of the Brisbane VHF Group.
Although his health had of recent years precluded him from active amateur radio, he was always interested in being involved and keeping up to date on what had been happening. He will be missed by all who knew him!
We have been able to trace Alan in the VHF Group back as far as 1967 all the records I have suggest he was an earlier member.
VK4AMG(ZMG), remembers,
Alan was an active member of the VHF Group from founding thru my period as president and early 80’s I guess.
Active in Glorious Repeater committee. Was responsible for nominating me for Life Member.
Active on 6 and 2m.
Always a gentleman’s gentleman.
Dave Laurie VK4DT(ZTL) was also president in those early years. He remembers Alan being very active on 6 metres
12/08/2015 “Results are in” Winter Field Day results have been posted for those interested in their positions. A post on one of the amateur conversation sites has suggested, they would like to see one form of scoring be adopted. Also thanks to Col VK4MIL and Rob VK4ZDB for again activating the club call sign.VK4IF
Quote from the Contest managers “By all reports, the numbers of stations braving the elements at portable locations this winter were down on previous winters.”
Click here: http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/documents/Winter%20VHF-UHF%20Field%20Day%202015%20Results.pdf
Its all back to you.
Dateline 10/08/2015″1.2 & 2.4 GHz” seem to be alive and well in VK4, so well that over the pond groups of ZL’s are talking; building beacons, beams and interest to take part. Great to see, VK Logger seems to stimulate the hobby in the interested and enquiring minds, great too see. Hers a quote:
Hi Guys,
Just to let you know that there are currently a number of 23cm stations on the air down in ZL3-4.
Zl4IV 200+w and good ant at about 300′ ASL
ZL4OL getting 150w amp on the air and has 45 element loop
ZL3NW, Ive got an amp for him something around 150W also a loop beam way up high.
And myself
ZL3RC currently building up 4 x 55 element loop beams and have 4 x XRF286 amps going just need to box them up. Mainly looking at EME long term but would love to work 23cm across the pond.
All we need over this side of the island is a good big E’s cloud over the Tasman and we maybe in business, any sort of ducting propagation isn’t going to work with the Southern Alps in the way
Looking forward to a better session than the one just passed if Im not wrong we only had one very short opening where Geoff ZL3PX worked a VK2 on 2m.
Still haven’t heard your 23cm beacon over there, but listen a lot, one day. (As we the Brisbane VHF Group have just upgraded the 23cm beacon just recently this maybe a dream come true for them).
Roger ZL3RC
20/07/2015 “Theres a meeting on Wednesday” This wednesday is the fourth wed of the month. See You There.
12/07/2015 “ACMA misses the point” It appears that the LCD is in and dusted advanced calls have been the winners and Foundation and Standard call staying as what appears as, no changes. They have missed the chance to elevated a few restrictions and get more use of some of the less used bands. see here: https://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2015L01113
6/07/2015″ 23 0n 23 “.
Based on the positive feedback from the last 23-on-23, lets run the same approach for the next one…. July 23, 2015! :thumbup:
Format as follows:
Start time: 10:00z / 8:00pm AEST / 9:00pm ADST
Stations in BNE and more southern stations beaming north
08:00pm – 08:30pm / 10:00z – 10:30z
QRG: 1,296.100MHz
Stations in BNE and more northern stations beaming south
08:30pm – 09:00pm / 10:30z – 11:00z
QRG: 1,296.100MHz
Start time: 11:00z / 9:00pm AEST
QRG: 1,296.225MHz (Mode JT65)
27/06/2015″Records GO” The ARRL reports that Wayne Overbeck N6NB, operating from Hawaii, worked Gregory Campbell W6IT in California, over the 4024 km path – the first time SSB contacts were made on these bands over this path.
W6IT was operating N6NB’s home station, near Orange, California.
N6NB/KH6 operated from a rental vehicle using gear covering 144 MHz through 10 GHz – antennas included – which he took with him on the plane to Hawaii.
Full details here: http://www.arrl.org/news/new-world-distance-records-set-on-2-3-and-3-4-ghz-ham-bands/06/2015″Records go”
23/06/2015 “A Ham feast” Last nites 23 on 23 netted queit a lot of 23cm activity as reported by Scott VK4CZ
Thanks to everyone who participated…. interesting conditions. Some of the best condx I’ve seen to the south with Grant VK2MAX, but the scatter path to the north well below past 23-on-23 activation events, and no direct path to the north avail.
Worked SSB:
VK4LHD/P – Buderim
VK2MAX/P – Kempsey
Heard SSB:
VK4ADM – Sippy Downs
VK4ZQ – Brisbane
VK4AFL – Birkdale
VK4VU – McDowall
VK4KAY – Warwick
Worked JT65C:
VK4KAY – Warwick
Known to be active:
VK4BG – Hervey Bay (weakly heard SSB on scatter QTF 300 while Glenn was in QSO with VK4VU)
VK4DH – Kilarney
VK2XN – Narrabri
And a big thank you to Robert VK4LHD and Grant VK2MAX for heading our /P…. truly appreciated. :beer:
As for the format… certainly far more appealing to me than just working BNE stations.
My only suggestion I would have is for those that have the ‘easier’ (read as less terra firma) paths to some of the more distant stations, is that they consider assisting others by sustaining contacts longer so a variety of scatter paths can be checked to see if there are definite alternative peaks available other than the direct paths.
Also not listed where VK4JAM, Vk4NE and VK4MJF.
22/06/2015 “EA works IF”. Great to see VK4IF running on the winter field day thanks to Rob and Colins effort. Peter VK4EA reported on his time on air, as per the logger below:
Quick wrap up of the activity, I selected Moreton Island as it combines a few of my favourite things, camping, radio and good weather. For those outside of SE VK4 Moreton Is is a sand island with minimal infrastructure consisting largely of National Park. There are no formed roads accessible only by boat, 4WD essential. We normally camp on the Western shore of the island which has a good view to the West toward the Brisbane CBD and all of the high points _normally_ utilised by the local microwave fraternity. Unfortunately microwave activity was very light on this time. Our local beacons were found and peaked soon after setting up on the Friday afternoon, although some ropes were needed as always in our part of the world at this time of the year, the westerly winds picked up cooling things down considerably. For note VK3’s, it never got below 6 degrees at night, and warmed up nicely to about 20 degrees with clear skies throughout the weekend.
I went to considerable effort to have all bands, sacrificing a few things, except for beer (and wine for the second operator -XYL, VK4JNC). Doug, VK4OE, kindly lent me a 47GHz transverter.
– 6 metres consisted of the FT817 with a horizontally mounted mobile whip
– 2 metres, 70cm, IC970 with an Elk log periodic
– 23cm, IC970 with an 8 element yagi
– 13cm, IC970 – grid pack
– 9cm, VK3XDK and patch antenna
– 6cm, DB6NT, 600mm dish
– 3cm, DB6NT, 600mm dish
– 1.25cm, DB6NT, 600mm dish (sharp!)
– 6.5mm, VK4OE, 300mm dish
Activity all during the contest was slow, and I recognise my antenna department was quite compromised so I may not have heard anybody. Having said that I was pleasantly surprised who I could work on low power and small antennas. Best excitement was a small opening on 6m, who would of thought 5W into a mobile whip would work into VK5 and VK3? …. an exceptional moment with very strong signals heard from VK5BC and VK3PP.
A couple of nice 10GHz contacts with Geoff, VK4KJJ/P, located at Clear Mountain confirmed the 10GHz gear was working well.
My contacts to VK4WS/P on 23cm and to VK4IF (Eden’s Landing) on 5.7 and 10GHz made the effort worthwhile.
The best for last, Sunday morning the 24GHz gear gets a workout to Kevin, VK4UH at home, extending our best to 54km. Similar good results with Rex, VK4REX to Howell’s Knob, where sadly the VK4WIS crew had NOT bothered to setup….. Rex and I tried 47GHz next, and while I was able to copy him S9+, I was unable to work out the VK4OE gizmos to TX, not completing the contact.
I’m not sure if I will go to the effort of going to Moreton Island for a contest again, unless I am sure more people will be out and about next time. Not that I was too stressed, wonderful weather ….. VK3’s listening ??
12/06/2015 “Second reminder” The Rules for the Winter VHF-UHF Field Day – happening over 20-21 June – have been finalised and posted to the VHF-UHF Field Day page on the WIA website here: http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/
The page content has also been updated. Read it all carefully. It’s new, and fresh. 🙂
Two Field Day enthusiasts – Lou VK3ALB and Andrew VK3MIX – have developed a useful online application, dubbed “Contest Radar”, where you can post your location and see other stations’ locations. Gotta be better than heading for the hills with little or no idea who’s gonna be out there and where! 8)
Advertise your location/s on the Contest Radar website here: http://www.contestradar.com/
Posted in the interests of boosting the Winter VHF-UHF Field Day (sponsored by the WIA).
9/06/2015 “Check Field Day Rules” Please read new rules on the next two Field Days.
8/06/2015 “New Contest Manger hits back” WIA Vhf/Uhf field day’s have been published.
Upcoming Contest Date & Time
Winter 2015 – Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 June.
Spring 2015 – Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 November.
3/06/2015 “Odd activity on 23cm” After the last 23 on 23 week end there has been a lot of 23cm traffic all round the state and into NSW. With luck all this new enthusiasm will continue and transfers to the Winter Field Day and beyond.
31/05/2015 “Gippstech 2015” Its on for 2015 Gippstech.
click here: http://www.vk3bez.org/gippstech.html
30/05/2015 “Update on LCD” It appears the regulators have agreed with the changes to the proposed Band Plan 2014, we await with bated breath. Read about it below.
Here : http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2015/20150523-40/index.php
28/05/2015 “Fees take a plunge” ACMA has jumped in and lowered the licence fees for all renewals, don’t faint its true have a read.
Amateur licence renewals now cost less
A 12-month renewal for an Amateur licence is now $51, according to a new schedule of Apparatus licence fees published by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) on its website on 7 April.
This is a drop of $24 from the $75 that applied to renewals earlier this year. The last time that licence fee renewals were at $51 was 20 years ago!
Read more here : http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2015/20150422-2/index.php
26/05/2015 “Meeting nite” Its come again Rob house 27/05/2015. see you there.
23/05/2015 “Great turn out” Mountain tops were populated by many budding 23cm operators around Brisbane, north south and west. It was the first 23 on 23 all on a weekend day in the time this idea was implemented. Toowoomba to Howels Knob Mt Gravatt to Mt Mee as far down to VK2max Kempsey NSW. Great turn out and not just 23cm, 2.4 -10Ghz contacts were also completed.
15/05/2015 “Elecraft new radio” It seems Elecraft has cericum to the prefex letter to denote changes etc, at a new cost. see here: http://www.elecraft.com/K3/K3.htm
Greetings to all!
To add to the flurry of similar announcements of recent times, I am happy to advise that, following a grand team effort today at the beacon site, the recently upgraded VK4RBB beacon was put back on air after about three weeks absence.
This is not a one-frequency beacon – the current output frequencies of 432.440, 1296.440, 2403.440 and 5760.440 MHz are all now GPS locked in frequency and timed. And if we obtain ACMA approval for use of 3400.440 MHz, that capability is also ready to be activated.
[Previously there had also been a 10368.440 MHz beacon signal, but that transmitter has temporarily been decommissioned until an extension of the upgrade project is completed which will see similarly GPS locked outputs on 10368.440 and 24048.440 MHz emanating from a mast-mounted amplifying box. The frequency generation stages needed to achieve these extra frequencies are already in place.]
The reason for having GPS-derived accurate timing is that there are two modulation modes, CW with Morse ident., and JT4. All of this beacon’s outputs alternate between these two modes, changing each GPS-defined minute. This is all under the management of a ZL2BKC ‘Multi-Beacon Controller’ (MBC), and we owe a vote of thanks to Wayne ZL2BKC for all his development of the MBC and his help in getting the digital interface part of the ‘show’ on the road. The functioning of the MBC is impressive!
Other acknowledgements due are to Geoff VK4KJJ, Rex VK4REX, Bob VK4XV, Kevin VK4UH, Jason VK4YOL, Eric VK4NEF and Mick VK4NE. I have also been involved in constructing the original beacon hardware and recently interfacing it with the new beacon controller.
Any reports will be welcomed, and several have already been received today from some listeners near and far. A point related to listening for VK4RBB is that, when it is transmitting its Morse ident and associated carrier, the actual frequency is right on the one nominated for the band in question, within ±1 Hz accuracy. Receiver dials will need to be set accordingly.
The beacon listing on the VK-Logger will soon be brought up to date.
Very best 73,
–Doug Friend, VK4OE.
26/04/2015 “Skin affect is it a myth”
26/04/2015 “Beacons up and running” A morning of mateship and work got all but 10 Ghz beacons (all GPS locked) up and running at the Murarrie site to-day. Thanks go to all that assisted with this task, many others donated time and expertise to the project of such magnitude.
23/04/2015 “Its on again to-nite” Give you 23cm gear a work out to-nite around 8.00pm. Maybe it is the only time to see if your gear works. Hear you there:
22/04/2015″Odd its a meeting” It’s come around again 4th Wednesday Meeting to-nite @ the same place and the same time. Guaranteed to be a lively nite, bring along some show and tell. See you there: 23 on 23 is on this coming Thursday try to be there, will be 2.4Ghz activity as well, see you there:
10/04/2015 “DON”T BEACONS” Please read beacon update on right for beac
on updates, service should be completed in a few weeks.
5/04/2015 ″So how much did you pay” Latest Sherwood Engineering figures are out. Maybe worth a look. I have thrown a couple away LAST year, nice too see the ones keeper are in the first page. One outstanding listing is the new Flex 6800, also the K3 re jigging, has assisted it to past all others. see more :
3/04/2015 “Gipps Tech 2015” Mid July 2015 see’s Gipps Tech 2015 under way again. With a troop of guys too venturing down to Victoria for this years festivities, for further get in touch with Kevin VK4UH and I’m sure he will help.
2/04/2015 “Beacons on track” “Up to the suite of club beacons are on track for in the next few weeks”, said Doug VK4OE at the club meeting. We all look forward to the latest technology and locked beacons.
31/03/2015″ 5 month wait” Oddly some smalls animals have a gestation time less than the quoted time it takes the WIA and ACMA to process for a repeater or beacon. According to a recent quote from VK2zrh Roger, has told the amateur community these startling facts. Await the next .
21/03/2015 “CRO goes ABC” World radio day was held mid February 2015, Ron cro does the hobby justice with an interview by Terri Begley of the ABC. see more here.
19/03/2015 “ACMA help on the 9cm band”
4/03/2015 “U tube VK7 on 10 GHz” have a look maybe of interest.
1/3/2015 “10.36844 GHz Beacon” Please be patient with our service to update our beacons, the first being our 10.36844 GHz.
26/02/2015 Show and tell” Meeting nite was as per normal a very interesting well attended nite beacons amplifiers and the list goes on. Doug VK4oe had a few relevant to fill the end of the nite. Congratulations to all that took VK4IF to air in the Summer Field Day.
25/2/2015 ” Queenslander” A couple of Queenslanders have scooped the Summer Field day. Also the WIA has decided to keep the dual score system for the time being.
here: http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/documents/Summer%20VHF-UHF%20Field%20Day%202015%20Results.pdf
24/02/2015″Meeting On” Our club Meeting is on @ Robs place Wednesday 25/2/2015 7.30 pm. SEE YOU THERE.
22/2/2015″Band Plans ready to ” Looks like we will see some changes mid march 2015.
WIA Bandplans – (6, 30, 40 and 6 metres)
: 21 / 02 / 2015
Author : Phil Wait – VK2ASD
Amateur Radio Bandplans are a voluntary operating code which divides the various amateur bands into segments, in to minimise interference between often incompatible transmission modes and technologies. As technology , and patterns of usage change, Bandplans need to be periodically reviewed and to ensure they meet current needs, and also that, as much as possible, band usage remains internationally harmonised.
Following a lengthy period of public consultation the Bandplan changes are now released as a “ for “. If no serious deficiencies are identified the Bandplans will come into effect on the 15th March, 2015. The two metre and 70cm Bandplans are also under review, and are expected to be finalised during the second half of this year. Watch out for on those Bandplans in the Hot Issues section of this website.
The WIA would like to sincerely John Martin VK3KM and the entire Technical Advisory Committee for undertaking the difficult task of reviewing the Bandplans, and finding a workable solution to satisfy the various competing interests.
Phil Wait VK2ASD.
More info here: http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2015/20150221-1/index.php
29/01/2015 “Shoot out at VK4zdx’s” Our first 2015 meeting for January went well with a shoot out on 24GHz in Robs dining room, no outright was named but the tic tac toe has VK4UH having an advantage. Lots of show and tell items with demo’s on Airscout radar the main topic. It seems our paperwork for our beacons was misplaced will being . Also with the beacons, the make up of jt4 and cw transmissions will be resolved and ready very shortly.
28/01/2015″ Test and Tune Day” Mid to Late February 2015 is a good time and a Local CBD club, are the main hopes. VK4EA is looking at 22nd and maybe Redcliffe Radio club maybe the venue, nice spot and the people are friendly. Will keep the news up to date on this one.
20/01/2015 “23 on 23″ Keep a diary note” 23 on 23 is a 1296cm contacts about 8.00pm local E S T (yes and the curtains do fade; etc. ) Try out you gear.
17/01/2015 “New 10ghz Record” A bit late but the story was not told till know.
New World Record Claimed on 10 GHz:: Two Amateur Radio microwave enthusiasts in Australia are claiming a new distance record on 10 GHz. On January 5, during a tropo opening across the Great Australian Bight, VK6DZ and VK7MO reports over a 2732 km path, using JT4f mode as well as SSB. The distance surpasses by 36 km the previous World Record of 2696 km from Southern Portugal to Cape Verde Island.
VK6DZ was portable at Torbay Hill, 24 km west of Albany, Western Australia. He was running 10 W to a 60 cm dish. VK7MO was portable Cape Portland in northeastern Tasmania, running 50 W to a 77 cm dish.
Several other noteworthy 10 GHz contacts were completed the same day. VK6DZ worked VK5KK over a 1920 km path on JT4f mode, and VK5DK over a 2062 km path on SSB. VK5KK was portable at Crafters 10 km southeast of Adelaide, South Australia, running 5 W into a 75 cm dish. VK5DK was portable at Mount Burr, 40 km northwest of Mount Gambier running 5.5 W into a 60 cm dish. All stations were GPS locked. — to Rex Moncur, VK7MO
12/01/2015 “More VK4IF” Was heard during the Summer field day, what a great location, may figure well in the results with contacts on most bands into lots of new grid squares. Great effort by all members that took part, . We await he results.
10/01/2015 “IF seen on logger” Great stuff VK4IF is on the VHF-UHF Field day thanks to the club members operating from the Beenleigh Station. more later.
08/01/2015 “Results are in “ Spring Vhf-Uhf results are in see em here:
Both Divisions are up on the site, being hours before the next Summer event. A quick look, and it seems VK4OE features well done, good on yu Doug. There is a summary written on the statistics of the last couple with the true reflections of these events being reported. Good read.
01/01/2014″First for the Year”
Summer Field Day VHF-UHF Field Day 2015 – 10/11th January (date need helpers, location @ a mountain near you, grab gear and we will hear you there.)
24/12/2014″A Xmas Message from the Boss” Now we’re in the holiday season, on behalf of the Brisbane VHF Group, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your continuing interest and involvement in VHF things around greater Brisbane, and for your support during the year. A happy Christmas time as well, whatever you are doing…..and don’t forget that 6 and 2 metres are usually ‘lively’ with Es propagation around this time!
We at ‘group headquarters’ all hope that your holiday and the coming 2015 year are filled with happiness and success in whatever amateur radio and other ventures you engage in!
Very best 73,
–Doug Friend, VK4OE.
23/12/2014 “23 cm up and kick en” it maybe very close to Xmas but to-nites good roll up to the event was reassuring. A few new faces using what ever power available, one look at the logger would also confirm this. Great to see 1296cm alive and kicken at least in the South East,
20/12/2014″23 on 23 “ Tuesday 23rd December 2014, on 23cm (1296.100 mhz )@ 8.00pm EST with a likely hood of 2.4ghz contacts late on that nite @ around 9.00 EST. Look forward to hearing you there.
8/11/2014 “Use the Club Call sign”: Spring Field Day VHF-UHF Field Day 2014 – 22nd/23rd November (date confirmed need helpers, location @ a mountain to be advised). This could be a time for someone to fire up VK4IF with a group.
click here info : http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/
5/11/2014 “Flex gives the big ones a boot” Some months back Dubus gave some interesting satistics on some of the normally used radios, one was the flex SDR suggesting the concept was a little lacking. So if you have a read the latest Sherwood Engineering stats, it appears the new Flex 6700 has just topped the charts.
Click here : http://www.sherweng.com/table.html
4/11/2014″A Good read on the lunar 4″ An interesting item was pasted to the club site from the San Bernadino Microwave Society’s (SBMS) newsletter, pages 5-6 on the chinese moon transmission of WSJT65 2 metre effort.
see here : http://www.ham-radio.com/sbms/newsletters/2014nwsltrs/11sbms2014.pdf
2/11/2014″ GOOD RESULTS” A very good turn out of Hams made it to hills and some from home, several reported quiet a few contacts from the north coast to the NSW boarder of 5.9+es. Some had to abandon the day for some gear failure or just very windy weather, but no matter the issue most reported a successful day. VK4ne, & mjf reported from Mt gravatt all bands worked well but forgot a small radio to lias which would have assisted more contacts they had the KX3 running all transverters on 2 metres IF, with Kevins CW protocal running from the quick memories option. VK4OE/P wrote I’m sorry that I didn’t ever hear every-onel on 1296.150 I was there quiet a bit.
I had technical problems on 2.4 GHz, so that band was a ‘write-off’ and Robert ‘4LHD had technical problems on a couple of other bands. He (with Geoff ‘KJJ) and I had an interesting experience on 10.3 GHz when we established weak communication using a reflection off something (without knowing it!) and it was only after that the Howells Knob team discovered that signals were hugely stronger when we aligned our antennas on the direct path!
1/11/2014″Its ON” don t forget the MAD/BT Day 2 Novembwe 2014 . SEE U THERE.
30/10/2014 “3.5 ghz Lives on” ACMA has recieved many submissions on the 3.5ghz band asking for the retention of the band plan as is. November 2015 will see more discussion on the band plan.
25/10/2014 “Club Beacons get locked up” See Tech News for the story.
24/10/2014 “MAD as hell” don t forget the MAD/BT Day 2 Novembwe 2014 as follows:
Thanks to Robert VK4LHD a schedule is to take affect: see below.
Start time of 10am so all WIA news and broadcasts are finished and repeaters are freed up.
10:00 to 10:30 23cm
10:30 to 11:00 2.4Ghz
11:00 to 11:30 3.4Ghz
11:30 to 12:00 5.7Ghz
12:00 to 12:30 10Ghz
12:30 to 1:00 24Ghz and above.
1:00 onwards for digital modes.
20/10/2014 “VK3HZ boasts IC9100 fix” According to to-days logger VK3HZ has a 10 mhz reference fix for the IC9100, We will keep you updated on all information. (It is advised that he has other reference locking systems for many other popular radios.) Furher Updated 20/10/2014 David has produced the boards and they are up and ready for sale, at the Link below.
19/10/2014″ No new hill” With the club meeting this Wednesday nite and VHF/UHF Field day is onNovember 22/23rd 2014.
29/09/2014 “Kenny needs mod” VK4NE (Mick) has been busy making the VK4UH magic box for the Activity day (MAD/BT) on the 2nd November 2014. A few mods were done to adapt the box to the Kenwood TS2000, but Mick reports his ready to go.
23/09/2014 “23 on 23 Roll up” Another successful 23 cm hook up around south east queensland this evening. Lots of contacts on SSB and JT65C.
11:58 23-Sep VK4NE > VK2MAX in QF68JV on 1296.2300 JT65 -13 > QG62NJ @ 387.3km 185°
unconferm QSO
11:09 23-Sep VK4CZ > VK4NE in QG62NJ on 1296.2300 JT65 -12 > QG62LP @ 35.7km 145°
RRR RXed.Tnx Mick
10:55 23-Sep VK4MJF > VK4CZ in QG62LP on 1296.2300 JT65 -2 > QG62NM @ 28.5km 302° Edit Soft Delete
11:08 23-Sep VK4NE > VK4CZ in QG62LP on 1296.2300 JT65 -2 > QG62NJ @ 35.7km 325°
10:24 23-Sep VK4MJF > VK4LHD in QG63NG on 1295.1000 SSB 42 > QG62NM @ 82.8km 357°
thks Robert Edit Soft Delete
10:23 23-Sep VK4KLC > VK4MJF in QG62NM on 1296.1500 SSB 53 > QG62MJ @ 16.3km 33°
10:21 23-Sep VK4KLC > VK4EA in QG62MO on 1296.1500 SSB 55 > QG62MJ @ 22.7km 352°
10:20 23-Sep VK4EA > VK4LHD/P in QG63JF on 1296.1000 SSB 52 > QG62MO @ 73.6km 6°
10:20 23-Sep VK4KLC > VK4NE in QG62NJ on 1296.1000 SSB 59 > QG62MJ @ 5.2km 97°
10:18 23-Sep VK4NE > VK4KLC in QG62MJ on 1296.1000 SSB 59 > QG62NJ @ 5.2km 277°
good copy Ron
10:17 23-Sep VK4EA > VK4CZ in QG62LP on 1296.1000 SSB 59 > QG62MO @ 13.7km 297°
10:17 23-Sep VK4MJF > VK4KLC in QG62MJ on 1295.1000 SSB 53 > QG62NM @ 16.3km 213° Edit Soft Delete
10:17 23-Sep VK4EA > VK4KLC in QG62MJ on 1296.1500 SSB 59 > QG62MO @ 22.7km 172°
10:14 23-Sep VK4CZ > VK4EA in QG62MO on 1296.1000 SSB 55 > QG62LP @ 13.7km 117°
10:13 23-Sep VK4MJF > VK4CZ in QG62LP on 1296.1000 SSB 59 > QG62NM @ 28.5km 302° Edit Soft Delete
10:13 23-Sep VK4MJF > VK4CRO in QG62NL on 1296.1000 SSB 59 > QG62NM @ 6.3km 217° Edit Soft Delete
10:11 23-Sep VK4CZ > VK4NE in QG62NJ on 1296.1000 SSB 54 > QG62LP @ 35.7km 145°
10:11 23-Sep VK4CZ > VK4MJF in QG62NM on 1296.1000 SSB 52 > QG62LP @ 28.5km 122°
10:10 23-Sep VK4KLC > VK4LHD/P in QG63JF on 1296.1000 SSB 51 > QG62MJ @ 95.9km 343°
10:08 23-Sep VK4KLC > VK4CZ in QG62LP on 1296.1000 SSB 59 > QG62MJ @ 32.5km 332°
10:08 23-Sep VK4CZ > VK4CRO in QG62NL on 1296.1000 SSB 51 > QG62LP @ 28.6km 135°
10:07 23-Sep JR4ENY/1 > VK4-FM? on 104.9000 WFM 31 > PM95SN 0°
TEP 104.9 103.3 101.7opera? vy weak
10:05 23-Sep VK4CZ > VK4LHD/P in QG63JF on 1296.1000 SSB 51 > QG62LP @ 64.2km 349°
10:02 23-Sep VK4CZ > VK4KLC in QG62MJ on 1296.1000 SSB 59 > QG62LP @ 32.5km 152°
20/09/2014 “Rex VK7mo latest trip “ Hi All
During this tour some 25 grid locators were activated on 24 GHz EME with
JT4f (from Melbourne up to Tennant Creek via South Australia and return
through outback QLD and NSW) of which 21 resulted in QSO’s with one or
more stations. This is the first 24 GHz EME portable operation anywhere
in the World. Detailed reports are listed at the following URL.
As part of this work we recorded what we call Total Extra Losses. These
are the total of atmospheric losses, libration spreading losses and
degradation with a correction for antenna gain. It was found that we
could work with Total Extra losses of up to 13 or 14 dB with the VK7MO
portable station (1.14 meter dish and 20 watts). During these tests
these losses varied over the following ranges:
Atmospheric Losses of 3 to 7 dB
Spreading Losses of 4 to 7 dB
Degradation Losses of 0.1 to 2.3 dB
As can be seen if all losses were at the limit at same time the Total
Extra loss would reach over 16 dB and a QSO would not have been possible
with the portable station. Fortunately, most of the time one or other
loss was not at the limit and thus QSO’s were generally possible, even
with spreading approaching 400 Hz.
8 grid locators were activated over extreme distances on 10 GHz
terrestrial via aircraft scatter using ISCAT-B with 7 being successful.
This brings Dave VK3HZ’s 10 GHz total to 81 locators. In addition a QSO
was completed between VK3 and VK4 over a 903 km aircraft scatter path.
Detailed reports are at the following URL.
Thanks to Dave VK3HZ for processing all these reports and making them
available on his web site.
17/9/2014 “VK3HZ boasts IC9100 fix” According to to-days logger VK3HZ has a 10 mhz reference fix for the IC9100, awaiting boards(no mention of pricing as yet). We will keep you updated on all information. (It is advised that he has other reference locking systems for many other popular radios.) Updated 18/09/2014 David has produced the installation documentation at the Link below.

just awaiting boards
6/09/2014 “Magic band comes to Standard calls” WIA submissions to the AMCA.
2.2 Standard Licence: The Standard licence’s permitted bands are quite restricted when viewed in the context of like or similar intermediate level licence’s in other countries, as evidenced in Tab B. The WIA wishes to discuss the possibility of increasing the number of permitted bands for Standard licensees between 1.8MHz and 28MHz, and particularly access to 50-52 MHz.
(i) The WIA notes that the Australian Standard licence’s progenitor in the UK has considerably more band access across the spectrum, which has not occasioned notable complaints or issues. Likewise, Argentina, Canada, Japan, the UK and the USA also provide wide access to bands across the spectrum.
2.3 The WIA seeks access to the 5 MHz (60m) band for Australian amateurs, subject to the outcome of WRC-15. It would be advantageous if such an allocation were aligned, at least in part, if not entirely, with other 5 MHz allocations across the Asia-Pacific region within Region 3
2.4 Continued access to 50-52 MHz, preferably on a primary basis, in line with previous WIA representations.
2.5 Consideration of Amateur access to a band at 70 MHz (4m), preferably congruent with, or overlapping, allocations in other countries (eg. Region 1).
2.6 Consideration of Amateur access to a band at, or within, 918-926 MHz (33cm), preferably congruent with, or overlapping, allocations in other countries (eg. Region 2).
2.7 Retention of access at 2300 MHz (2300-2300.15 MHz), as per the WIA’s submission to the 2.3 GHz band review in 2013.
2.8 Retention of access in the 3300-3600 MHz band. The WIA is developing a submission to the ACMA’s review of the 3.5 GHz band.
2.9 Retention of primary access in 77.5 – 78 GHz, coincident with global ITU allocations.
Power upgrades
Foundation 25w
Standard 200w
Advanced 1000w
3/09/2014″What next” Past on by VK2ZRH
On 1 September 2014, the WIA lodged its submission to the review into the Australian spectrum policy and management framework. The Department states the review is necessary to “modernise spectrum policy to reflect changes in technology, markets and consumer preferences that have occurred over the last decade and to better deal with increasing demand for spectrum from all sectors”.
The WIA submission highlights the public-benefit aspects of the amateur service and identifies key areas where amateur radio can provide further substantial community value. Additionally, the WIA submission argues for a clear delineation between policy development and policy implementation, strong community input into future spectrum policy development, and increased resources for the ACMA in relation to interference management and enforcement.
Link http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2014/20140901-1/index.php
2/09/2014 “Elecraft KX3 Hit” A must have if your a KX3 owner, 200 kHz bandwidth.
High-performance companion panadapter for the Elecraft KX3 transceiver
Full-color waterfall and spectrum displays, with fast sweep and excellent sensitivity
Simple plug-and-play operation—no PC, soundcard, software drivers or setup required
Weighs just 13 oz (0.37 kg); enclosure size: 5.4 x 3.4 x 1.7” (13.7 x 8.6 x 4.3 cm)
30/08/2014 “See Coming Activity Days, for ideas of operation and Protocal.” For the Activity day (MAD/BT) See you there.
Click here for Info: http://brisbanevhfgroup.com/?page_id=388
29/08/2014″ New Record Boast” Keep an eye on the VK Logger a little birdy has suggested a new record could be posted in VK on the higher bands in the very near future.
28/08/2014 “Great Meeting” Here we are August and at this months meeting was a real show and tell event, thanks to everyone, VK4CRO bought along a 70cm amplifier deck which is rated @200-300 watts, Geof (VK4kJJ’s) nice GPS locking system, Doug(VK4OE) had a feed for 46ghz which appeared to be an engineering challenge to say the least. Doug also spoke dueing the normal buisness on a subject about the GPS locking of the club beacons and Kevin (Vk4UH) asked if the club was going to take up the offer from the WIA for a small grant given out, only to find himself being the negotiator for this project (Thanks Kevin).
Kevin(VK4UH) gave a very imformative talk on dish alinement for dishes larger and small whilst out in the field. Also added a small project to built offering the use of most radios CW abilities, to transmit DITs and DARs for confirming contact, possibly making contact liaison on other means unnecessary. I m sure we will here more about this in the very near future.
Another Activity day (MAD/BT) has been scheduled for the 19th October 2014, on all bands 2 metres and above. So we will be out hill top climbing, testing our new UH boxes, see you all then. I will ask Kevin to write a small note on the building of the box and the protocol used.
Quite a lively meeting
18/08/2014 “KX3 Software Lifts the benchmark” Elecraft have finally released the KX3 2 metre module also with its release, a new software update to offer the transverter offset as being one item in the updates package. This has been a useful tool in the K3 for some years with ability to add transverters either using 28-50 mhz, or 2 metre IF. Great to see this as this allows the KX3 to operate with a 2 metre and 28-50mhz IF and with its superior receiving ability makes it a must have radio. VK4mjf reports the KX3 has confirmed these abilities after testing the new software, and in his words ” great to see, this will make a great improvement to the operation of my transverters and along with KX3 easy adjustable 0-10 watts output power and visible frequency readout makes the KX3 HF-SHF portable rig”.
12/08/2014 “BBS PASSES” Another silent key. VK4BBS well known by all. Hi Guys just received a phone call from Steven Beamish to inform me that Brian Passed away last Thursday and that his funeral will be held on this Thursday 14/8/2014 at 2 Pm @ Sunnybank District Buptist Church in NEMIES RD RUNCORN he will be surely missed. Our Condolences to Maureen and family.
11/08/2014 “JT65c won the day” Thanks to all that had a go, seems 10ghz to 1296mhz is alive and well. Completed contacts all over the logger with JT65 digita modes, its heartening to see these bands up and running VK4 UH KJJ CZ ADC LHD EDD just to name some.
6/08/2014 “Digital Read” Have a read of this article may help for the 10th MADD
At the URL below is a report on a 10 GHz aircraft scatter QSO from VK3HZ to VK7MO over 905 km between VK3 and VK4.
4/08/2014 “Interesting observation” Our roving reporter as been watching the activity on digital modes. So far, there has been more activity or interest shown over the last few weeks on these modes than ever before, maybe as winter means less longer distant contacts on SSB etc. This must mean it is the winter sports eqiverlent of the hobby.
26/07/2014 “Division II Results”
25/07/2014 “_… …_ …. .._. __.” We had a good roll up for the club digital mode session. More computers and radios on Rob’s (VK4ZDX) bench; than sandwiches. All had a learning time and some of the mysteries and myths were ironed out. Thanks to Col (VK4MIL) and Geof (VK4KJJ). It looks more like a class room with all the laptops, anyway the meeting ran late and thanks to all.
23/07/2014 “Icom Offer D-Star” Icom Australia are offering assistance to some clubs to get D Star up and running will post more as it arrives.
22/07/2014 “Divison II results” Doug VK4OE holds placing on division II results. Div 2 results posted! The Winter Field Day results for Division 2 have been completed & forwarded to the WIA, the winners, plus 2nd & 3rd places in each section are as follows Single Operator 24hrs 1st VK5TE 24361 pts 2nd VK5KBJ 20899 pts & 3rd VK4OE 14936 pts Single Operator 8hrs 1st VK5NE 33737pts 2nd VK5TE 18191 pts & 3rd VK5KBJ 15036 pts Multi-Operators 24hrs 1St VK5LZ 117213 pts 2nd VK5KQ 83740 pts & 3rd VK3ALB 59680 pts Multi-operators 8hrs 1st VK3KQ 36523 pts 2nd VK3ALB 28886 pts & 3rd VK4WIS 18266 pts Home Station 24hrs 1st VK3MY 37654 pts 2nd VK5DK 19736 pts & 3rd VK3QI 16300 pts Rover Station 24hrs 1st VK5KK 49461 pts 2nd VK5ZT 32445 pts & 3rd VK3QM 11096 pts Top “F” Call Station VK5FSKS 9520 pts. Was in the 8hr Single Operator section. 73 Colin VK5DK 22/07/2014 “Meeting will be big nite” Activity Day (MADD) on 10th August 2014 to be a Digital mode theme all VHF and higher bands will be in use; Don’t forget August 10th 2014 . Also on the 23rd July @ Club meeting @ Robs VK4ZDX’s Place (see info on web page for address etc.) There will be a talk on the ins & outs of the mode, with live demo’s on 2.4ghz. 23 on 23 is also on that nite, will have a set up for this as well, should be a big nite. See U There. Or see more in the news/activity day.
21/07/2014 ” WIA lost the results.” Or are the staff themselves been forgetful, the recent Field day results were published for Div I. Of course thoses Div II results were not listed. These results had to be sent to a different manager (for what reason is not clear, although written in the rules,) were not passed on to the DIV II MANAGER, until they were requested). Now being that, the Div II results will be delayed. So those who are interested in comparing the results a small delay at no fault of the Division II manager. It is also noted that the contest manager has retired, thanks to John Martin for his efforts. As yet no new replacement Manager has been appointed, lets hope the new manager has our HOBBY in mind , which we would all like to see happen.
15/07/2014 “Sad DAY VK4ZAA” His last words at his funeral today. Francis John, ‘Mick’, was seen off on his final QSY today by the following VK4s… CV, OE, ZP, ZQ, ACG, ADC, APG, KLC, ZWJ, with about 25 others in attendance. We heard about his life, his interests and his involvement in amateur radio since the mid-1950s. There were some good tales with laughs thrown in, all too reminiscent of Mick’s style of humor. VK4ZAA (SK)… 14/07/2014 “Good Numbers” By all reports Gippstech was well supported and all went well. Gippstech said one guy, just keeps getting better. Once again, a good range of topics and speakers kept us all interested. Attendance numbers seem to be rising around 120 odd also there were quite a few new faces about the place this year. Congratulations to Peter and his team for a job well done – again
9/07/2014 “SOTA Microwave Award” The long planned SOTA Microwave Award, in conjunction with the UK Microwave Group, is now active (effective 1 July 2014). The database will require modification to score for these awards so currently it is not possible to enter details of any activations or chases but, hopefully, this will be up and running shortly. This award will be based on DISTANCE not the summit point score so is a deviation from the current SOTA practice and it will be necessary to record the locator of the station that is not on a SOTA summit (the SOTA summit locators are known so are not a required data entry). Although the award is a joint venture with the UK Microwave Group it is not limited to UK stations and is equally applicable worldwide. This is also not a replacement for any of the UK Microwave Group awards but is intended to get people out and about operating portable on the higher bands and recognises shorter qualifying distances than is current practice for the UK Microwave Group. Briefly, the rules are as follows (any lack of clarity is my fault and I would appreciate any observations where the rules need to be tidied up): SOTA/UKuG Joint Microwave Award 1) The award will be based on contacts on any amateur microwave band between 23cm and 24GHz 2) The Award will be based on distance. It will start at a basic level of 50Km. Endorsements will be available in 50Km steps. 3) Endorsements may be claimed for activity on each band. 4) An Activator may claim this award based on ACTIVATING the hill. Normal QUALIFYING criteria will apply for claiming this hill for other SOTA awards. 5) For the purposes of this award the Activator may activate the hill as frequently as wished over a year but may only claim it once per calendar day. 6) Chaser rules will apply as normal for the usual SOTA awards but Chasers may also claim for the microwave distance award. One station MUST be on a SOTA summit. 7) There will be a special category of the Summit to Summit Award, where both ends are on qualifying SOTA summits, but will be based on the distance between them, not just the fact they were on SOTA summits (such contacts can also be included in the regular S2S award). 8) The award will be jointly awarded by SOTA and UK Microwave Group. It will be administered by SOTA with oversight from UkuG. The definitions of Qualifying and Activating are as per the General Rules. Hopefully we will see folks out and about, but please bear with me before claiming awards as these still need to be designed and jointly approved by the MT and the UK Microwave Group committee. Barry GM4TOE SOTA Awards Manager http://sotawatch.org/reflector.php?topic=9634 Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. It was an original concept by John, G3WGV and developed with Ric, G3CWI. SOTA has been carefully designed to make participation possible for everyone – this is not just for mountaineers! There are awards for activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who either operate from home, a local hilltop or are even Activators on other summits). SOTA is now fully operational in many countries across the world, including here in Australia (Victoria VK3, ACT VK1, & South Australia VK5).
9/07/2014 “Good Friend Silent Key” An old member of our club has past, VK4ZAA Mick Pettiford a loved and well liked member, very active within the club and amateur ranks alike. An item taken from 2009 issue of The Queensland VHF’ er : Mick was the first limited licensee in Queensland, obtaining his ‘ticket’ in the middle of 1954 when limited calls first became possible in Australia. His first QSO was with John Ross, VK4JO at Clayfield in Brisbane on 144 MHz AM. John’s next door neighbour was John Pickles, VK4FP who, with Alan Simpson VK4ZAE as navigator, often used to win the hidden transmitter hunts described later. Two next door neighbours on two metres made for some interesting times! Other amateurs remembered as being active on 144 MHz in Brisbane at this time were Don Crowley VK4GP, Lionel VK4ZAS, Aussie VK4TN, Les VK4LM, Jim VK4OB, Noel VK4BT, Doc VK4MO. He will be surely missed by all who new him, and our deepest sympathies and thoughts are offered to Micks Family. Comments from VK4OE (Doug) I will also be one who misses Mick. I (and many others) knew him personally from VHF Group meetings in the 1980s and 1990s, and for many years he would be reliably appear (from his home) on 144 MHz during field contests to give out a few numbers. I would stop contesting for a few minutes just to ‘catch up’ with Mick. As others have already said, he was a true gentleman and loyal radio amateur. He will surely be missed! Very best wishes, –Doug. Comments made by VK4ADC (Doug) on the logger. It is with great regret that I have been informed that Mick VK4ZAA has passed away today. Its been a bad week for the amateur radio fraternity. Many of the 6 meter guys will remember Mick. He was issued the first Z call in VK4 and was a keen 6 meter operator for nearly half a century. Our deepest sympathies go to Micks family. RIP Mick wayne VK4WTN
5/07/2014 “Gippstech Shut” Registrations close on Friday July 4. This is set so that we can finalise arrangements with those providing catering, especially Saturday’s Lunch and Conference Dinner. We may be able to accept some late registrations, but you will have to provide for yourselves for meals. So if you have not done so as yet and you intend coming to the event, please Register NOW. The program is still being finalised, but here is what we have confirmed to date: Intro + WIA Award presentations, VK3PF + VK2ZRH A cheap 250 W PEP amplifier for 70 cm, Ralph Edgar VK3WRE Reflections, Echos, Doppler, Libration and Scintillation, Doug McArthur VK3UM Extending the 78 GHz VK Distance Record, Alan Devlin VK3XPD David Smith VK3HZ 10 GHz Propagation: Rain-scatter, Tropo-scatter, Ducting and Aircraft-scatter, Rex Moncur VK7MO & Rhett Donnan VK3GHZ Proposal to implement GPS Locking of VK Beacons, Alan Devlin VK3XPD Life after XP? .. utter despair and frustration .. traps and dead ends!, Doug McArthur VK3UM Key challenges for Australian amateur radio – ACMA remaking the LCD and the Government’s review of spectrum management, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH Homebrewing an az-el mount for a 3 m dish, Dean Webster VK3NFI Regards, Peter VK3PF
4/07/2014 ” A few more increases” Good morning all ACMA have advised that the Amateur Radio Licence fee has been increased to $74.00. The fee increase is indexed. And rises by about $1 every year or so. Variation to licence fee remains at $49.00. 1/07/2014 “Gippstech” Gipps Tech July 12th & 13th 2014 also Social Dinner at the Morwell Hotel/Motel (the Top Pub) from 1830.
29/06/2015 “WIA Flying Flag… 13cm & 9cm Bands ” Have a read here. http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/hotissues/current/index.php 28/06/2014 new VHF ers up for a read.
27/06/2014 “Inland Troppo goes mad” Inland Troppo has been with us for the past few days with contacts on wspr being logged from Brisbane with FNQ. Northern NSW (VK2) and Mid SA (VK5), also many logged between VK5 VK3 and VK2 (south and North).
25/6/2014 “Club Meeting” Lots of chest ponding on Field Day achievements, with enforces on 24 GHZ between Vk4EA & VK4OE (182 klms about),well done to all that did the weekend. Very lively meeting and lots of gear to drull over for the not so knowledgable, great turn up. Would like to turn the eyes to the last gossip date on Beacons below.
A new activity Day for the 10th August to be confirmed (with the theme of digital modes and getting out and about).
8/06/2014 “Rebate for beacon” found this on the Yahoo groups. Gidday all, this Promotional Posting is to advise you all that Alan – VK3XPD and the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) have joined in a collaborative financial arrangement to implement GPS Locking into the VK Beacon network. So, are you a Beacon Owner ? Would you like to improve Amateur Radio and receive $200 for your efforts ? Full details of this Proposal including the “Elgibility Criteria” can be found on my very basic Website at… rfresale.com Details will also be Posted on the WIA Website – “in due course”. The Proposal will also be publicised in July’s AR, the WIA Broadcasts and at GIPPSTECH. I look forward to seeing how many Beacons we can get updated to full GPS Locking before the next Propagation season starts !!! Go to it !!! Cheers, Alan – VK3XPD.
5/06/2014 “Winter Field Day” 21-22nd June 2014. Don t forget its on new rules; also the Old (vk4if) could fire up, which would be good to hear. (Any takers)
4/06/2014 “Moon Bounce” Some years ago, a couple of blokes walked on the moon, So over the last few days CRO MIL NE MJF have been throwing a few signals into their foot prints trying EME out, been lots of fun so far for all.
2/06/2014 “New OS8 coming” All you Mac owners will be interested in the new operating system for the mac family (Due in the US Fall).
27/05/2014 “Hoot of a meeting” Doug has promised us a mystery subject at this months meeting. There s 8 of us will be there, will you?.
26/05/2014 (New Ipad) Will be due on the shop floors for sale, in the next few weeks HD (High Definition.)
23/05/2014 “See very interesting pages” Gary VK4AR sent in the Publications section of the web page
22/05/2014 ” history (1)” Hello Guys, I found the attached news item regarding the Bne VHF Group in one of the AR magazines I picked up on Saturday. It is interesting because you will recognise the odd character, however, I will run through what I can recall & others might be able to fill in the blanks. 4ZPL is Peter Lindsay – the former Federal member for Herbert, Townsville. 4ZRM Roy O’Malley now 4ZQ 4ZAA Mick was at the BArcfest – he is very old and frail now. 4ZAL Tommy Lane – deceased 4ZRH – Royce Hazlett, Tarragindi ? 4ZDF Dave Hopkins 4ZCS 4ZAE Alan Simpson now 4AAE – in his 80s – I will try to talk to him. 4ZBL Laurie Blackborough, Toowoomba – Dec’d 4ZBD Bill Donovan – Dec’d 4ZZG Graham – Dec’d As I mentioned, I was president for a couple of years in the 1990s. I am sure it would all be in the minutes – ask Paul!!! I think Doug took over from me. In that period membership soared to over 50 both local and interstate. Cheers Gary.
14/05/2014 “Winter is almost here” Winter is coming and so is the VHF-UHF Field day 21st-22nd June 2014. New rules have been integrated for those how asked for them. Know is the time to GET ON BOARD. Whats you excuse, too old, too hard or just too lazy. What ever it is the hoddy is still there and there are still , some people on trying to get those contacts on the higher frequencies, find a hill and spend a bit giving your gear a test. Maybe there is a group who could even fire up VK4IF have a yarn at the next meeting put something together.
8/05/2014 ” just a reminder,,,,B A R C Fest” 10th May 2014. See you there? Venue is:- Corner Beaudesert Road and Kameruka Street Calamvale.
5/05/2014 ” DUBUS Latest” This quarters Magazine Technical Articles A 134 GHz CW Transmitter by Philipp Prinz, DL2AM A No-Tune Waveguide to SMA Transition for 24 GHz by Charlie Suckling, G3WDG Ultra low noise high linearity wideband MMIC amplifier, by Goran Popovic, AD6IW Yagi Design: Aspects of Copyright and “Good Manners”, by Hartmut Klüver, DG7YBN Laser transmitter with frequency diversity, by Wolfgang Demmer, DD8DB Stacking beyond DL6WU – Part 2 An extended Chapter from the TANT Appendix by Hartmut Klüver, DG7YBN 10 GHz EME converter without SHF local oscillator, by Yoshiro Mataka, JA4BLC 50 MHz SSSP Propagation (3): The global perspective, by Roger Harrison, VK2ZRH News and Columns Tropo News Microwave USA Microwave Japan VHF Australia & New Zealand Microwave Europe EME News Solar Cycle 24 – in February 2014, by KH6/K6MIO 4m News / 6m News News & Comments Best VHF DX Expedition 2013
2/05/2014 “VHF/UHF WIA ?” All of these are shortened for some other long words. The mysteries of our language. WIA has new rules for the VHF/UHF Field day. These are Distance base and Grid square scoring, very easy to find either in this months AR Magazine or the WIA web site. This months issue or the VHF er is up good reading. One interesting comment on this month VHF er, $10.00 is still the club membership fee ? B A R C Fest
10th May 2014. See you there? Venue is:- Corner Beaudesert Road and Kameruka Street Calamvale. John Moyle results are out see who got prizes for their efforts. VK4 OE KLC ADC WIE WIS GHZ GYM all featured well with prizes going to all Look here for full results http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/johnmoyle/documents/JMFDC%20Results%202014.pdf Sunday 26th 2.4 & 3.4 ghz shoot out . On arrival at the Murrembong Scout Campsite at around 9.00am, nice area. I was greeted by Peter (VK4EA) and Geof (VK4KJJ) just setting up for the day. After an hour many more competitors had arrived including VK4OE, CZ and son, UH, LHD and later VK4UE . Lets say it was rigged or maybe stacked from the start, we all had our gear set to 2403.050 and 2403.150 with most of us hearing the as required signal, very well. Then it all went haywire as the signal power was lowered all that had not purchased a Khune transverter were eliminated leaving Kevin(VK4UH) and Rbert(VK4LHD) to fight it out with the prize going to Robert. By this time all us other competiters left, were trying to hid our woes with comments, ” a good pre amp would do better” and so on. (so I guess MiniKits will be righting extra profits this month.) 3.4 ghz was much the same with the competitors having a very close battle and it was to hard to get the winner here. As a competitor with sore wounds, I must say the day was a great success, with the winner being thoughts who made the day. Of course thanks go out to Peter(VK4EA) for the time spent on the successful day.
April Meeting @ OE’s place was great as per normal, Doug set up the IC9100 (no drift) for the 23 0n 23 net, also activating VK4IF (20 odd years since last activated) which ment we all had our earful concidering 4-5 normal operators were listening at the meeting. A 80-90 klms contact to VK4REX to KLC was made and heard. Good night was had by all, see yah @ the next meeting.
Robs away so we are off to Dougs place, for this months meeting 35 Cronin Street, Annerley. see you there. “Is This You” Well if it is, we need you, as a club member, a contact on field days or just someone to talk to. HAPPY EASTER to all. The feeling is that the amount of activity heard around the state, or OZ about the
there seems not much happened with this idea. Have a look hear if interested. http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2014/20140416-2/index.php
The Wireless Institute of Australia congratulates those clubs and organisations able to register a demonstration station for the Expo to showcase the benefits of modern Amateur Radio. It occurs either on Friday, Saturday and Sunday April 11-13, in parks, other public places and electronic stores. All radio amateurs are invited to join "CQ Expo" on air. Registrations are by Adelaide Hills ARC, Eastern and Mountain District Club, The RadioActives, Summerland ARC, Townsville ARC, Bundaberg ARC, Ipswich District Radio Club, Yarra Valley ARC, and Shepparton and District ARC. WIA Directors Fred Swainston VK3DAC, Robert Broomhead VK3DN who will hold a display at a popular car-boot sale, and others, are to actively take part. Please tell everyone if they hear "CQ Expo" to listen and learn, or join in by inviting those on the microphone, most likely for the first time, to experience Amateur Radio and consider it.
“VHF er is up and running” This months meeting our guest speaker, being Doug VK4OE gave us a gripping talk on circulators and isolators. The technical talk on this subject was very imformative to all and the many standard calls in attendance . Also have a peak in the about the club drop down menu it maybe of interest to some. GM Gents! Geoff, VK4KJJ, has advised me: Doug VK4OE My only news is my 10 GHz contact from Kamarun lookout to Howells Knob (158 km) during the field day. Not bad for 15 mW. I reckon that’s worth inclusion on the ‘gossip’ page of the Group website! I did think that our (vk4wie’s) to Howells Knob (110km) and Geoff VK4KJJ at O’riellys was also a good 10 ghz contact 250mw about (50-60 kms), till Dougs bragg GippsTech 2014 coming soon: July 12th & 13th 2014 Good morning everyone
GippsTech 2014 Sat 12th July and Sunday 13th July.
As you may know, for the last few years I have arranged a party from VK4 to attend the “GippsTech” radio meeting held in Churchill, Victoria each July. GippsTech is a “premier” 2-day amateur conference concerned with all matters VHF/UHF and microwave. The group have shared the costs of rooms and vehicle hire etc from Melbourne. The dates of the conference have been confirmed now for Sat 12th July and Sunday 13th July 2014 . If there is sufficient interest I intend to run another trip in July this year using a vehicle suitable for the numbers attending with the party. Last year we hired an 11 seater bus and had 9 attending which proved very cost effective and comfortable with a bit of room to move. The reason to start making arrangements 3 months in advance is to allow those who want to attend to make a space in their diaries and use the opportunity to access cheap flight offers. The provisional plan is to fly down to Melbourne on the Friday morning 11th July to arrive around midday (there are a number of possible flights and cheap fares are still available as below), we will have arranged the hire of a suitable vehicle depending on the number attending and we will drive across to Morwell in Gippsland. This takes about 2-3 hours or so with stops. We have a tried and tested motel in Morwell (The Coal Valley Motel) to recommend which is clean, warm and reasonably priced (also does great breakfasts) where we have stayed on several occasions. If you “buddy up” and share a room the costs are divided of course. There is always an informal gathering on the Friday night at a local pub in Morwell for dinner and a chance to meet with others from all around VK and ZL. After breakfast on the Saturday morning we will drive across to the university campus in Churchill where the conference is held (about 20 mins journey by road). The conference has all the AV facilities of the university at its disposal and will include a full programme of lectures, presentations and demonstrations. Lunch and refreshments can be pre booked when you register on-line. This is very reasonably priced and is recommended because the University itself is closed at this time and no other catering facilities are on hand. There are usually displays set up and equipment to buy (or be given) during the coffee and meal breaks. There is a Conference Dinner held on the Saturday night which most delegates will attend. This is optional but again is highly recommended, usually a great night! The Sunday session finishes at around midday with raffles and prizes etc. (Lunch is again available but usually we head off back to Melbourne to fly home getting some lunch on the way) We normally book flights leaving at around 6pm (18:00) which has us back in Brisbane at a reasonable 8:15 pm (20:15) in the evening.
If you want to make early flight booking to take advantage of points or special deals then we need to fly down to:- Melbourne on the Friday 11th July 2014:- BRISBANE – Melbourne (Tullamarine) on FRIDAY 11th July 2014 to ARRIVE around midday (no later as we need to get on the road). Flight numbers to look at include:- QANTAS QF613 QF615, Virgin VA318 VA314, Jetstar JQ561 (these are all direct flights) – Please check flight details yourself before booking Return on Sunday evening:- Melbourne – BRISBANE on Sunday 13th July 2014 LEAVING around 18:00 / 6:00pm (but no earlier) Flight numbers to look at include:- QANTAS QF632, Virgin VA347, Jetstar JQ568 – Please check flight details yourself before booking ============================================================================================================================================================= So the invitation is open. If you are interested in joining in this year then please drop me an e-mail, whether definite or provisional. Placed are limited to a maximum of about 9 No money is required at this early stage I have never know anyone attend these meeting without gaining something – ask the guys from last year! Look at [email protected] and click on GippsTech. I’ll be sending our more info closer to the time Regards to all and 73 Dr Kev VK4UH [email protected] 2.4ghz test & shoot out day is advised will be
27th April 2014. http://www.murrenbong.org.au/location.htm Found this is on the logger 17/3/2014 good going guys
VK4UH | > VK4OE in QG62ML on 24808.1000 SSB 57 > QG62KP @ 24.0km 138° home to home on 24 GHz |
Doug added a brief note on 18/03/2014 It’s fun to see it copied there, but the frequency was 24048.100 MHz – which needs to be corrected! I also think that it’s worth making the additional observation that this was an obstructed path, not LOS. The fact that it was ‘balcony to balcony’, so to speak, seems remarkable. Whether it is reflection or scatter off something, or possibly knife-edge diffraction around something, we’ll probably never know, but there is this obstructed path between us that works on 1296 and 2403 MHz, which we now know also works on 24 GHz. For the record, Kevin was running a 30 mW transverter, and I was transmitting about half a watt. John Moyle :
Sat 16 /3/2014. Great to see lots of members using all the bands Saturday and a few more on Sunday. Thanks to all that assisted.